Samsung drops Apple Watch smartwatch

Even big companies are paying too much attention to rumors about Apple! At Samsung, this even condemned the Simband modular health watch.

The Simband was to be equipped with custom health sensors to monitoring blood pressure, skin temperature, sweat production and heart rate. It should be accompanied by the SAMI cloud platform allowing all of this information to be shared with doctors.

Simband samsung

If Samsung is today one of the leaders in the smartwatch market with the Gear line, the company was much weaker in 2011, when rumors around the Apple Watch began. These rumors indicated that Apple was working on a revolutionary health device; concern on the side of Samsung…

Samsung had entrusted the Simband project to a relatively new division called the Samsung Innovation and Strategy Center; instead of entrusting it to Samsung Mobile, which was working on its own smartwatch project, the possible Galaxy Gear. After a few years of development, Samsung started to feel the pressure. The brand has scheduled an event called "Voice of the Body" at the Apple Developer World. Samsung then thought that the apple brand would announce its Apple Watch.

After the two events, everything finally returned to normal. Samsung quickly realized that the competing smartwatch was not a revolutionary health device, but a fairly standard smartwatch. But the problems were not over. Samsung then realized the different regulatory hurdles, research and development costs and competition from new brands like Fitbit.

It was then that the project was abandoned a little in favor of Gear watches from Samsung Mobile. Today, the Simband project is therefore not really condemned or abandoned, it is still being developed, but not even at a rate as in 2011.


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