Puritan’s Pride NEURO-PS GOLD™ ;-90 Softgels For Smart Anti Aging

Wellness means nourishing body, mind and spirit. So what are some ways to keep your mind healthy?You can start with trying out new hobbies, reading more, engaging in social activities and maintaining a healthy diet that provides essential nutrients for the brain. As far as supplements go,…
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Coenzyme Q-10 appears in almost every cell in the body. Co Q-10 and,supports energy production within your heart and muscles.** And, Co Q-10 also provides antioxidant support.** Coenzyme Q-10 supports oral health.** Good oral health is linked to cardiovascular health. The levels of Co Q-10 within the cells of our bodies may be affected by age. Supports Heart Health.** Promotes Cardiovascular Health.** .
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Puritan's Pride Q-SORB™ ; Co Q-10 & Cinnamon-60 Rapid Release...
Extra Strength Prosta-Metto softgels deliver 160 mg of standardized Saw Palmetto to support prostate and urinary health in men.** Saw Palmetto is an extract derived from the berry of the Saw Palmetto tree and is the leading herb for mens health.** This formulation also includes Pumpkin Seed Oil and Uva-Ursi, traditional ingredients for mens health, plus Zinc for the immune system.**
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Puritan's Pride Prosta-Metto Saw Palmetto Complex For Men-120 Softgels
Men the world over are discovering the beneficial properties of Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto contains phytochemicals, which support prostate health and urinary health.** Our Saw Palmetto formula is fully assayed and standardized to ensure that each softgel contains 85-95% fatty acids and active sterols, which guarantees bioactivity.** This means that you receive the consistency and quality you seek in a dietary supplement.
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Puritan's Pride Saw Palmetto Standardized Extract 320 mg-120 Softgels
Puritans Prideand,Neuro-PS (Phosphatidylserine) 200 mg contains a 30 day supply of rapid release softgels. Phosphatidylserine (PS), is a natural substance found in brain cell membranes.** Phosphatidylserine levels in the brain can decline with age, so it is important to supplement with Neuro-PS every day to aid brain function and support a healthy mind.** Appears in the brain, especially in the neurons the complex series of central nervous system pathways responsiblefor exchanging sensory information. Consumption of phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. Very limited and preliminary scientific research suggests that phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. FDA concludes that there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. Aids brain function.** Supports a healthy mind.** Helps replenish PS levels.** Contains a one-month supply of easy-to-swallow softgels.
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Puritan's Pride Neuro-PS (Phosphatidylserine) 200 mg-60 Softgels
Wellness means nourishing body, mind and spirit. So what are some ways to keep your mind healthy?You can start with trying out new hobbies, reading more, engaging in social activities and maintaining a healthy diet that provides essential nutrients for the brain. As far as supplements go, Puritans Pride Neuro-PS Gold is one source you can turn to for brain nutrition.** Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a naturally occurring substance thats a key component of the brain.** It plays a role in neurotransmitter release and ion transport.** Neuro-PS helps replenish Phosphatidylserine levels, which may decline with age.** Neuro-PS Gold aids brain function and supports a healthy mind.** It also contains other ingredients, such as Ginkgo Biloba, for additional brain health support.** Appears in the brain, especially inthe neurons the complex series of central nervous system pathways responsiblefor exchanging sensory information-Consumption of phosphatidylserine may reducethe risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. Very limited and preliminaryscientific research suggests that phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk ofcognitive dysfunction in the elderlyand, (use this entire sentencespecifically. Aids brain function.** Supports a healthy mind.** Helps replenish PS levels.** Contains other supplements, such as Ginkgo Biloba and DHA, for additional brain health support.** Contains a one-month supply of easy-to-swallow softgels.
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Puritan's Pride NEURO-PS GOLD™ ;-90 Softgels
Puritans Pride Neuro-PS 300 mg contains a 60 day supply of rapid release softgels. (Phosphatidylserine)Wellness means nourishing body, mind and spirit. So what are some ways to keep your mind healthy?. You can start with trying out new hobbies, reading more, engaging in social activities and maintaining a healthy diet that provides essential nutrients for the brain. As far as supplements go, Puritans Pride Neuro-PS is one source you can turn to for brain nutrition.** Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a naturally occurring substance thats a key component of the brain.** It plays a role in neurotransmitter release and ion transport.** Neuro-PS helps replenish Phosphatidylserine levels, which may decline with age.** Neuro-PS aids brain function and supports a healthy mind.** Appears in the brain, especially in the neurons the complex series of central nervous system pathways responsible for exchanging sensory information. Consumption of phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. Very limited and preliminary scientific research suggests that phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. FDA concludes that there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. Aids brain function.** Supports a healthy mind.** Helps replenish PS levels.** Contains a 60 day supply of rapid release softgels.
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Puritan's Pride Neuro-PS 300 mg (Phosphatidylserine)-60 Softgels
SAM-e is a vital substance thats found in most of your cells and is essential to many biochemical reactions in the body. Because of that, it serves many roles,including promoting joint comfort and liver health,but its worth noting that SAM-e can support emotional well-being as well.** Discovered by Italian scientist Giulio Cantoni in 1952, SAM-e has been used extensively in Europe for more than 20 years. SAM-e may play a role in increasing the synthesis and breakdown of certain neurotransmitters and enhance the sensitivity of nerve receptors in the brain.** To put it simply, SAM-e could help in supporting your mood.** Because of age or other factors, levels of SAM-e can fluctuate or decline. And since SAM-e is not readily available in an everyday diet, a supplement may be just what you need to keep you moving with ease and feeling sunny and healthy. Supports mood and emotional well-being.** Promotes healthy joint mobility and comfort.** Supports liver health.** Contains a 20 day supply of caplets.
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Puritan's Pride SAM-e 400 mg-60 Caplets

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