Project Blaid is the name of the project that Toyota is currently working on, which aims to develop a wearable for blind and visually impaired people to help them move around in indoor spaces.
Project Blaid will not replace guide dogs or white canes, but this wearable could help fill their gaps by providing users with more information about their environment. In large indoor spaces like shopping malls, airports, it is not easy to get around if you need to go to a specific place.
The wearable developed for Project Blaid will offer interior mapping, object identification and facial recognition. They will be integrated into cameras which will equip the Blaid. This wearable will be worn around the head, placed on the ears and will use speakers and vibrations to interact with users. They will also be able to interact with the device using voice recognition and buttons.
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While we waited for Toyota with a smart health smart health connected object dedicated to the car, it would seem that the brand wants to see further and decides to develop other types of products. If for the moment the Blaid project is still only a prototype, I would be interested to see if it will really be marketed and what will be the next product imagined by the car manufacturer.