Pria – intelligent medication robot with smart display


Conclusion on the intelligent drug robot Pria

The smart medication robot was created through successful crowdfunding in 2016 and has been released for commercial sale since the end for 2025 – but not yet in Germany. The basic version of the intelligent helper was still called Pillo. There are several companies behind it: Pillo Health has developed the company's own technology platform and Black + Decker is helping to implement Pria as an in-health home solution to support caring relatives. Stanley Healthcare supports this collaboration.

Caring for older relatives is a big issue. It is important and correct that smart solutions can support and improve them. The smart dosing aid guarantees timely medication and the right number of tablets. A link to Pria is via the Pria app (Android | iOS) possible and caring relatives will be informed if prescribed pills have not been taken. Otherwise, the smart assistant has popular, well-known properties and, on request, reveals information about the weather, which appointments are imminent, or creates reminders of doctor's appointments.

For the equivalent of 720 euros, however, the costs are quite high and after a year there are monthly fees of 10 dollars (9 euros). In addition, it remains questionable how intuitive the operation is, especially for older people. (Status: 12/2024).

Pria robot – design and equipment of the digital health worker

Pria fills the necessary dose of the medication in the pill cup on time

Pria fills the necessary dose of the medication in the pill cup on time


The smart dosing aid Pria has a round display that sits on a stand. There is space under the screen for the pill cup that is included. On the back is the rotary wheel into which users fill medication. However, this is provided with a cover. Below is the connector for the power plug to charge the battery. The entire device is white.

The special features and functions of the Pria drug aid

The special feature of Pria is the simplification of taking medication. Users no longer forget tablets and relatives have an overview even when they are away and can be informed via the app if medicine is not taken. This makes the process easier for people who are on medication as well as caring friends, relatives or medical professionals. The memory of necessary tablets offers added value, especially for people suffering from dementia.

ehealth telephony allows contact with people from the close circle and therefore expands the medical by an equally important social component. Pria can be operated by voice: the integrated voice assistant answers questions about the weather, creates a timer, reminds you, for example, of shopping or the volume can be reduced or increased on command. A security factor exists through face recognition or alternative PIN entry. Medicines are only given to the person who needs to take them. 28 different compartments in a tablet wheel can be filled with up to 10 pills, depending on the size. If a high level of medication is required, Pria takes over the dosage for one person over a period of about four weeks. Thanks to facial recognition, Pria can be used to supply medication to several people. Therefore, use in a family or a multi-generational house is conceivable: Older people give Pria the blood pressure tablets they need, the teenagers the vitamin pills.

With facial recognition, Prio registers who needs the medicine and who doesn't

With facial recognition, Prio registers who needs the medicine and who doesn't


An LED light at the bottom of the display indicates various messages:

Red light: The microphone is turned off and Pria then does not listen to any commands and does not respond either

flashing yellow light: Notification is available

blue light: ready for voice commands or dosage

green light: Pria is not smart health connected to the power, but runs on the integrated battery

What is compatible with the Pria dosing robot?

The operation of Pria connects to a smartphone via the Pria app (Android | iOS) ahead. Voice control is possible through the integrated voice assistant Pria, which responds to "Ok Pria".

Installation and setup of the dosing aid Pria

Setting up the smart assistant for dispensing Pria medication is simple and done in just 5 steps:

  1. Connect the Pria to power and switch it on
  2. Pria app (Android | iOS) download
  3. A QR code is shown on the Pria display and can be scanned using the app
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen
  5. Fill in the necessary medication on the top

Overview of advantages of Pria drug robots

  • Reminds of taking medication
  • Face recognition, if necessary entering a PIN ensures that the right person takes the pills
  • Power connection and integrated battery (4-8 h)
  • ehealth telephony with relatives and caregivers possible
  • Ease of care
  • Control of medication by confidants even in the absence
  • Integrated manufacturer's own language assistant

Overview of disadvantages of Pria drug robots

  • expensive, additional monthly fees
  • may not be used intuitively for older people

Pria mini robot for medication – tests and reviews

Since the commercial launch was only at the end for 2025, there are no tests and evaluations of the intelligent health aid Pira. (As of: 12/2024)

Price and availability of Pria – the smart pill dispenser

The MSRP for the Pria dosing aid is $ 749.99 (approx. 678 euros). Pria is not yet available in Germany.

Overview of Pria robots – technical data

  • colour: White
  • Dimensions: 22 x 15.50 x 31.75 cm
  • control via app: Yes
  • Number of possible doses: 28 á max. 10 pills
  • connection: via WLAN
  • power connection: Cable and backup lithium polymer battery (included)
  • microphone: Yes
  • display: yes, with touch operation
  • voice recognition: yes, in-house language assistant
  • particularities: Pill storage and dosage, face recognition and PIN

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