Mandatory prescription for a PCR or serological Review?
Virological PCR tests are performed on medical prescription, to people with symptoms. Any consultation, in the office or by teleconsultation, carried out to prescribe a Covid-19 screening Review is reimbursed 100% by Health Insurance.
Screening conditions are evaluated by the doctor, who must take into account the following conditions:
current symptoms compatible with Covid-19 (cough, fever, fatigue, etc.)
clinical diagnosis of COVID-19 in the past three months but not validated by a Review
a first negative income Review but symptoms still present
one or more contacts with a person for whom a Covid-19 diagnosis has been made with certainty
The people clearly identified as having been in contact with a person tested positive and with a high risk of transmission, are contacted directly by the Health Insurance services to carry out the Review.
If it turns out that a PCR Review is positive, you will also have to declare the patient positive on the CNAM teleservice "Contact Covid"and to start the investigation on the people with which he / she will have been in contact in the previous days. This will allow the intervention of a health brigade in order to Review the entourage of the positive patient.
Teleconsultation to prescribe your Covid-19 tests
To help you in the management of these patients, teleconsultation is particularly suitable for prescribing tests. In fact, you avoid moving the patient to your office and thus putting them in contact with your patients and yourself.
If there are many requests for tests, teleconsultation will also save you precious time to give to your other patients who neglected their health during confinement.
➡️ As a reminder, the Hellocare teleconsultation solution is offered to all doctors until May 31, 2023.
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