To respond to information requests from Internet users on oral health, a new web portal has been launched: Dentagora.com. Presentation.
Today, oral health is a real public health challenge. Internet users are in constant search of accessible and immediate information around many questions: How to avoid cavities? Toothache, what to do? How to take care of your teeth? How to maintain a superb smile? Can we put dental implants on everyone? What is the optimal age to start orthodontic treatment?
To provide answers to all these questions, and aware of the importance of increased popularization and education in oral health, Doctor Norbert COHEN, stomatologist specializing in dental implantology, launches Dentagora.com : an original site devoted to oral health, run by dental surgeons who are experts in their field.
Dentagora, accessible from all mobile devices (smartphone and tablet), is positioned as the 1st platform dedicated to dental e-health with a unique, simple and complete interactive space, for information, discussion and listening.
A veritable online patient community, Dentagora offers information from scientific sources, exchanges moderated by experts, but above all the possibility of asking questions and instantly obtaining answers from specialists and not from Internet users.
To open access to knowledge of oral health, basic and topical content is developed by dentists, stomatologists, orthodontists and pediatric dentists. Hygiene, care, surgery, orthodontics, prostheses, dental implants, pedodontics … all subjects related to dentistry are treated to help internet users take care of their teeth, whatever their age and state of health. So that everyone becomes an actor in their oral health.
The Dentagora.com forum, smart health connected oral health
Dentagora.com is a unique space dedicated to listening and exchanging with its Internet users. A thematic forum (whitening, aesthetics, dental tourism, laser, etc.) will soon be offered on the site, moderated by dentists according to their specialty and questions.
A weekly chat is also offered on the Dentagora Facebook page the 1st Sunday of each month between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Internet users can ask questions to dental specialists and get precise answers. These virtual exchanges do not replace a visit to the dentist but make it possible to prepare and help the patient to consider it serenely.
Source: Dentagora
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