In Nice, Corsica or Paris, drones equipped with loudspeakers are tested to monitoring the inhabitants and encourage them to respect the confinement instructions.
When'epidemic of coronavirus settled in China, the authorities deployed a technological arsenal impressive for checking that the containment instructions are respected. The use of drones carrying banners with QR codes or speaker to encourage people to return health home made people smile in Europe.
And yet, today, these same measures are deployed in Madrid in Spain, and also in France. Videos have started to buzz Nice, where we see a drone crisscrossing the city by broadcasting reminders of the rules of the moment. It is the same in Corsica around Ajaccio, to dissuade certain people who defy confinement to sunbathe on the beach.
The drones come in reinforcement police forces mobilized on the ground to enforce the instructions and control the displacement certificates. They make it easier to spot onlookers, especially in areas where access is more complicated. The same types of drones were also tested on Friday March 20, in Paris, on the banks of the Seine, under the look of prefect Didier Lallement.
The Paris police prefect, Didier Lallement, comes to see the first tests of the new drone surveillance device. The objective: to more easily identify citizens who do not respect the containment measures implemented in the midst of the coronavirus crisis
– Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) March 21, 2023
Police assistants
In all, the police have about twenty drones that can evolve to 150 meters in height and whose range in open terrain is theoretically about 8 km with a autonomy about twenty minutes.
The drones, which we see in the images, are systematically Mavic 2 Enterprise, from the Chinese brand DJI. These are versatile drones, and weighing less than 1 Kg, whose arms and propellers fold down so that they can be deployed and transported easily. The unit price of this type of professional drone is around 2,300 euros, to which must be added a small DJI speaker (89 euros) which is fixed on the upper part of the drone. It is capable of broadcasting messages with a sound power of 100 dB. Guaranteed anxiety-provoking effect!
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