platform for real-time monitoring of the treatment path


A new digital platform enabling general practitioners to be informed about the different stages of patient care at the hospital has been launched: Apicéa. Discovery.

Apicéa, a leading company in digital solutions for French hospitals, is launching a new platform that allows general practitioners to be informed about the different stages of patient care in hospital (emergency visits, consultations at the hospital, reports of hospitalization etc.) and therefore anticipate the next stages of care to provide an appropriate medical response thus reassuring the patient on the follow-up of care and his management on discharge from hospital.

At a time of digital convergence, this platform presents itself as a concrete application that can help support the development of ambulatory care (50% of care in 2016), in conditions facilitated for general practitioners (saving time , less administrative) and certainly with savings at stake (reduction of duplicate procedures, adaptation of care, etc.).

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