Pitaya health benefits nutrition facts

Pitaya health benefits nutrition factsPitaya health benefits

The pitaya or pitahaya is grown mainly in Southeast Asia and America, as well as, more modestly, on the island of Reunion. Tropical Fruit born of cactus, it is assessed throughout the year, bringing the stalls its bright color. The dragon fruit is eaten raw: it is very refreshing and the taste is fine, soft and fragrant. Rich in vitamins, it provides energy and vitality in every bite!

A dragon fruit weighs 350g on average. This fruit of the cactus resembles a small pineapple covered with large scales facing upwards. The skin varies from yellow to bright red, through the pale green. White pulp, yellow or red contains many small black seeds.

Be charmed by its fragrant and very sweet taste and its creamy texture and slightly crunchy.

From a moderate caloric intake, the pitaya contains a perfumed flesh, which contains vitamins and antioxidants. It is an excellent dessert bursting with energy.

The pitaya is delicious nature to even tasted her pretty red-pink shell.

It is a fruit of the tropics, which is eaten all year round and is located mainly in exotic stores. It is also marketed under the name of “dragon fruit”.

While cooking

The dragon fruit is eaten only raw. It is preparing a jiffy and energizes all your fruit preparations with its distinctive flavor.

The pitaya is savored flood. To the taste, simply cut the fruit in half lengthwise, then possibly add a squeeze of lemon to meet its aromas.

Left a few hours in the refrigerator, the flesh of the dragon fruit is fast becoming a sort of sorbet, very refreshing in summer.

Appeared in the desert climate of Mexico and Central America, the pitaya literally facing the world in the nineteenth century. French settlers indeed decide to import a few plants in Vietnam. The “dragon fruit” is rapidly grown, but booked in the first time and exclusively for the royal family and a few privileged families.

Pitayas of farms is gradually develop and the fruit becomes one of the main export products of Vietnam with durian, fragrant fruit very appreciated of the local population.

Following this success, the culture of pitaya extends throughout Southeast Asia, who quickly adopts this decorative and tasty fruit.

Pitaya health benefits nutrition facts

The pitaya is a very low calorie fruit. Its meat, although sweet, contains only fifty calories per 100 g. Providing vitamins, minerals and fiber, “dragon fruit” is an excellent reserve of antioxidants: a concentrate of well-being to integrate occasionally to your meals!

Click here to read more about Chinese food recipes

Pitaya health benefits:https://www.snackselect.com/zutaten/physalis.html

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