Pills angelic and mistletoe for natural health

Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan Pills angelic and mistletoe

Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan(Pills angelic and mistletoe)

Pills angelic and mistletoe

therapeutic uses

indications : chronic rheumatism , chronic arthritis , sciatica , back pain,
sequelae of poliomyelitis.

health philosophy, preparation disperses wind and humidity, tones and
circulates energy and blood, tones the liver and kidneys, eliminates pain.

symptoms: pale tongue, thin-white coating or transparent.



this formula is in different forms and at different levels, it is important to
follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Can be used long term.



Huo Ji Sheng Wan treats chronic rheumatic disease that gets worse when the
weather is cold and wet. The flow of energy and blood is blocked in the joints,
causing pain. This blockage, over a long period, affects the internal organs,
especially the liver and kidneys, which are responsible for healthy bones and
tendons. This formula shows that in chronic cases, it is not sufficient to
address the symptoms, such as pain; it must also support the internal organs.



formula is cited in Qian Jin Yao volume Fang written by the famous physician
Sun Si-Miao in the year 652 AD.



patients with chronic brucellosis, an infectious disease which sometimes
musculoskeletal effects were followed for seventy days. Thirty patients were
treated with injections of brucella phenol insoluble and thirty-six others
received the Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (the same formula as a decoction rather than
pills) in addition to brucella phenol insoluble . There were fewer side effects
and the symptoms disappeared more rapidly among those who took Du Huo Ji Sheng



signs of heat: hot joints, feel the bones are boiling; the pain increases the

You can click here to know more
about mistletoe


Name Chinese pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Du Huo

Radix Angelicae pubescenstis (angelica root)

Eliminates cold and moisture tendons and bones. Hunting pain.

Qian Jiao

Radix gentianae macrophyllae (gentian root)

Eliminates cold and moisture tendons and bones. Hunting pain.

Fang Feng

Radix ledebourellae divaricatae (root sileris)

Eliminates cold and moisture tendons and bones. Hunting pain.

Xi Xin

Herba Asari cum radice (Chinese wild ginger)

Eliminates cold and damp. Hunting pain

Du zhong

Cortex eucommiae ulmoidis (Eucommia bark at Elm leaf)

Tones the liver and kidney. Strengthens tendons and bones. Expels wind humidity.

Huai Niu Xi

Radix achyranthis bidentatae (Achyranthes bidentata root)

Tones the liver and kidney. Strengthens tendons and bones. Expels wind humidity.

Sang Ji Sheng

Loranthis ramulus (branches “mulberry mistletoe”)

Tones the liver and kidney. Strengthens tendons and bones. Expels wind humidity.

Dang Gui

Radix Angelicae sinensis (Chinese angelica root)

Blood circulates. Invigorates the blood.

Chuan Xiong

Radix ligustici wallichi (lovage root)

Blood circulates. Invigorates the blood.

Shu Di Huang

Radix rehmanniae glutinosae conquitae (Chinese foxglove root prepared)

Blood circulates. Invigorates the blood.

Bai Shao

Radix paeniae lactiflorae (white peony root)

Blood circulates. Invigorates the blood.

Dang Shen

Radix Codonopsis pilosulae (bellflower root cap)

Tones Energy and Rate. Eliminates Humidity.

Fu Ling

Poriae Sclerotium cocos (filamentous fungus)

Tones Energy and Rate. Eliminates Humidity.

Gan Cao

Radix glycyrrhizae uralensis (licorice)

Harmonize the action of other plants

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