Photogram opens public beta for its Alice camera

London-based start-up Photogram last month revealed a prototype of the future Alice camera. Alice is a device in which a wirelessly attached and smart health connected smartphone is used for monitoring and previewing images.

Photogram’s limited beta program

Now the company has launched a limited beta program in anticipation of a fundraising campaign next year. The objective is to involve the first users in the development process of this smart health smart health connected object.

Since the reveal, Photogram CEO Vishal Kumar has received numerous emails from people asking to Review the product. Which is not possible at the moment because the project is still in development. But that early interest led to the launch of a nine-month beta program to give people the opportunity to help shape the future of the product.

The beta will be limited to 50 participants. There will be a participation fee to help the company pay for some of the high quality components. As well as the manufacturing costs of the pre-production material; as well as to finance the development of custom software.

To gain full access, beta program members will need to be either UK-based or able to travel to London to participate in the final phase of pre-production testing. For this, members will have to pay up to $ 1,000.

Then, for those who live outside the UK and can’t make it in person for the last part of the process, there’s a remote access option for $ 600. But they will only have very limited access. Finally, the program will also be open to undergraduates or students under the age of 21.

Alice 1 public camera beta photogram

A public beta in several stages

For the first step of the program, beta group members will be invited to share their ideas on what they like about existing cameras. As well as what they don’t really like and what they would like to see. Hopefully this will give Photogram developers a baseline they can work on.

The next topic of discussion will be ergonomics. Members of the UK group will also be invited to the team’s London office for a hands-on review of the prototype. Those elsewhere will receive a 3D model to view in augmented reality.

The second step will focus on the mobile application that will work on the attached smartphone. It will cover basic functionality, layout of on-screen controls, AI functions, and more. The team will also look at digital photography in a series of lectures.

Finally, the last stage of the beta program is only open to people who are already in the UK; or who can fly to London. They will have the opportunity to get their hands dirty during pre-production. The third stage will also include social events and group meetings. The goal: to continue the conversation while giving beta group members the opportunity to meet other people and the Photogram team.

Alice 2 public camera beta photogram

Some more information about Photogram’s Alice Camera

The Alice Camera module will host a Micro Four Thirds image sensor. It will accept interchangeable lenses, and will be controlled by a mobile application running on a fixed smartphone.

Applications for the Alice Camera beta program are open until November 15. The first stage to begin on November 30. Over the intervening two weeks, the Photogram team will select a mixed sample of photographers and filmmakers. But also YouTubers, content creators, directors / coders, etc.

When the Alice Camera goes into production, normally in August 2021, beta program members will each receive a fully operational, limited edition production unit with a personalized engraving.


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