Philips launches a new range of smart health connected health objects!


The Dutch Philips continues its insertion in the smart health connected accessories market, with a new range of wearables dedicated to health. Several new items join the Philips Health Watch in this new product line.

In April, Philips took advantage of the IFA to present its Health Watch smart health connected watch, approved by the US Food and Drugs Administration. Today, the Dutchman presents a smart health connected scale, a blood pressure monitoring ear thermometer smart health connected. These three new products are part of the same range as Health Watch, the Philips Health Devices collection.

A range approved by the FDA

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<p style=In order to stand out in the wearable market, Philips not only relies on FDA support, but also emphasizes precision and aesthetic efficiency. A wise choice, when you know that the Apple Watch for example is not certified by the FDA, and therefore can not be considered a medical device.

Thanks to this approval, Philips Health Devices devices can be easily recommended by doctors, in order to monitoring possible cardiac pathologies for example. In this sense, the interface is also intuitive and refined, to allow older people to easily use these devices.

Philips Health Watch

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<p style=The Philips Health Watch is a smart health watch priced at $ 250. It allows to monitoring different biometric data. Thanks to a optical heart rate monitoring, it allows to monitoring the heart rate and respiratory rate constantly, including during sleep.

Presented primarily by Philips as a device for medical purposes, this smartwatch retains the usual features of smart health connected watches. She allows to count steps, calories burned, distinguish activity times from periods of inactivity, and evaluate the running performance of the wearer, despite the lack of GPS. According to the manufacturer, this device is designed to help prevent chronic diseases related to a bad lifestyle.

Blood pressure monitoring, scale and thermometer smart health connected

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<p style=In addition to this smart health connected watch, there is a smart health connected blood pressure monitoring worth $ 99.99. The smart health connected scale, which also tracks weight, is similar to the Withings Body Cardio or Garmin models. It is also priced at $ 99.99. Finally, the smart ear thermometer is marketed for $ 59.99.

HealthSuite Application

These four smart health connected devices transmit their data directly to the HealthSuite application. This companion app has benefited from a goal-oriented redesign. Users are encouraged to follow one specific goal in order to better focus on accomplishing. In this way, Philips hopes to prevent users from getting tired of the device. They will also receive tips and information along the way.

The products of the Philips Health Suite range are available now, but unfortunately are not marketed in France for the moment. We will notify you if the situation changes.


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