Philips Dream Family – A smart health connected solution for freediving


I remember that my mother-in-law, who suffered from sleep apnea, always loaded equipment worthy of Back to the future to make sure you get a good night's sleep: A pump that generated more noise than a 1400 Watt vacuum cleaner and, above all, a mask that ensured him the leading role in the next one Star Wars. The world is now free from these war machines, here is the system Philips Dream Family.

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Philips Dream Family is not a new family TV channel. No, this is a set of products that will make life much easier for those who suffer from sleep apnea. It consists of three products which form a whole.


The person is wearing this mask DreamWare, developed with the collaboration of many patients, in order to feel as little as possible the presence of a device around the head. It does not interfere with the quality of sleep and allows you to sleep in any position (well, avoid sleeping on your stomach). This is actually smart health connected to a continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) device which will prevent you from falling into apnea which could be fatal. Philips’s goal is to make you completely forget about wearing this mask.


The mask is good, but where does the air come from? Simply to DreamStation. No bigger than a radio alarm clock (well, OK, let's say a radio alarm clock from the 80s), the DreamStation allows you to slowly adapt to this therapy thanks to its program EZ-Start. She also facilitates falling asleep releasing less pressure at the start of the night. Equipped with a screen, it can be programmed simply and will offer a whole series of indications on the progress of your therapy. This aspect motivates the person to continue by informing them of the number of "good nights" that have been accomplished using the system.

Moreover, an SD card collect all the data that can be forwarded to your doctor treating it so that it adapts your treatment. Bluetooth and WiFi can also be used to transfer data to your smartphone.


The last component is none other than a smartphone and tablet app. DreamMapper will tell you in a precise and user-friendly way all the data collected during your sleep. He will also be responsible for set goals so that the motivation does not leave you. A whole set of notifications are also provided to, for example, remind you to clean your DreamStation or help you get to the next stage of therapy by showing you videos facilitating learning equipment.

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DreamMapper is also available for your computer, it will suffice to insert the SD card used in DreamStation for the data to be analyzed.

More information ? Follow these links: DreamWear, DreamStation, DreamMapper. Price point announced for the moment. Good night !



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