Personal Robot aims to become your smart health connected butler. This butler robot will take care of everything for you at health home.
Personal Robot is just the robot we've always dreamed of! In 2015 this sweet dream becomes a reality. At least on Kickstarter. Robotbase who designed this robot wants to raise $ 50,000.
Personal Robot offers many features such as facial recognition thanks to its artificial intelligence. He can also recognize the emotions and objects of the house. Of course, it can move on its own thanks to a base that looks a lot like a robot vacuum cleaner. Moreover, to move, this smart health connected butler creates a 3D map of the environment where he must move; much like a robot vacuum cleaner would. Thanks to an oval HD screen, you can speak to a face that appears there.
If this robot is a smart health connected robot, it is because it can interact with other smart health connected objects in your house such as your television, your coffee machine or your lighting.
In addition to cleaning and maintaining your health home, Personal Robot is also responsible for its security. It can stream ehealth from every room in the house and lets you check what’s going on. On the other hand, do not count on him to run after burglars.
If after this presentation of the Personal Robot you want one, it will cost you $ 995. The backers should receive their robot by the end of the year. Until then, find out on ehealth. Look :