Many patients want more digital contact options with their doctor. One in three would be treated online for minor complaints. Patients' wishes thus deviate significantly from the standard in standard care.
The Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach interviewed for the representative Security report 2015 Almost 1,400 people aged 16 and over on behalf of Telekom. The result is surprising. One in two Germans believes that telemedicine will be part of standard care in the next five years. According to a survey by the market research institute YouGov, every third person can imagine that only minor complaints can be treated online.
Patients want to consult a doctor online
Also one Study of the doctor search in cooperation with the digital marketer ForwardAdGroup comes to a similar result. 27 percent of the respondents would use an online consultation, but only 2 percent had the opportunity to do so. In his Dietrich Grönemeyer mentions guest contribution in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Professor of Radiology and Microtherapy at the University of Witten / Herdecke, on the advantages of telemedicine. He believes ehealth consultation hours and other telemedical applications could alleviate the rural shortage of doctors.
Online medical practice services desired
Patients want more ways to contact their doctor online. Just under 80 percent would like to book doctor's appointments online, but only 25 percent have been able to use this service so far. Even with the digital recipe, desire and reality diverge, and the ForwardAdGroup further state. 63 percent of patients wish to receive their prescription online, but only 7 percent have been able to do so before.
Photo credits: © / Andrey Popov; © / Wavebreakmedia