The official partner of Euro 2023 football unveiled last Thursday its strategy to make this competition the “most smart health connected tournament in history". To do this, the operator has decided to prioritize the use of social networks.
For Stéphane Richard, CEO of Orange, there is no doubt: “cis going to be the most smart health connected tournament in history". On Thursday 14 April, the boss of the official UEFA partner unveiled a large-scale arrangement for the next Euro football tournament to be held in France from 10 June to 10 July next.
What you will learn
Euro 2023 broadcast at high speed
During the competition, Orange will notably be in charge of broadcasting the images taken on the ten stages of the competition. These will be sent to the IBC (International Broadcast Center) by 100,000 km of optical fiber capable of generating a maximum speed of 2 terabits per second.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MmqjB5RznA (/ embed)
WIFI for fans zones
The system set up also plans to provide a wifi network on fans zones implemented in the cities hosting the competition. In total, 680 wifi access points will be installed, as at the foot of the Eiffel Tower where Stéphane Richard announces “110,000 simultaneous connections possible". In addition to that, 35 latest generation 4G antennas will be placed on each of the 10 stadiums, to allow 25,000 people to connect simultaneously.
Maximize screen occupancy
If the company does not wish to deliver figures on the amount of its investment for Euro 2023, the French operator has clearly decided to occupy as much as possible the media space reserved for it, for what represents today one of the most watched competitions in the world with a cumulative audience of eight billion viewers.
The hashtag #OrangeSponsorsYou has already been created for Euro twittos. To encourage them to use it, the brand has imagined the concept of “Fan of the Match”, rewarding its most avid users with tickets, packages to attend games, and even the opportunity to watch the warm-up of national teams.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbg2P2DnCsY (/ embed)
Zidane as a mascot
And as long as you can afford it, why not treat yourself to a world champion 98? The operator had to put forward good arguments to convince the current Real Madrid coach to appear in his advertising spot which will be broadcast worldwide during the competition. The former number 10 will even have to select the "20 best supporters" to offer them a place in the final of the competition on July 10. By then, the operator will most certainly have taken full advantage of its media space to further develop its brand around the world, subject to the proper functioning of its Euro 2023 plan.