Oral-B iO, the intelligent toothbrush that adapts to you thanks to AI

Leader of smart health connected brushing, Oral-B consolidates its rank with the announcement of the Oral-B iO, an intelligent toothbrush that uses AI to make you love this essential moment of the day.

If the brand is to be believed, it is not just any oral hygiene product, but a device that will keep you feeling clean for a whole day. After 250 patents filed and 6 years of research, how does it all work? Find out in these few lines.

close-up on the interactive screen of the oral-b io connected toothbrush

Oral-B iO, a smart health connected toothbrush that tracks your progress

The device connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone via the classic dedicated mobile application. The latter uses artificial intelligence to give advice brushing to the user depending on their use.

However, you don't necessarily want to have to look at your smartphone every time you want to clean your teeth. This is the intelligence of Oral-B iO since the toothbrush has a interactive screen which provides access to equally personalized support.

To motivate you to respect the two minutes of brushing recommended by the dentist, a small smiley on the screen will reward at the end of the time allowed. Interface also allows you to choose between the 7 integrated brushing modes.

More comfortable brushing

If you press too hard on your teeth, the device will display a sad red smiley that will only turn green (and smile) once the sensor detects an optimal pressure. In addition, Oral-B provided the iO with a magnetic drive still unpublished on a toothbrush. This reduces friction for a better distribution of energy between all the hairs of the device.

In addition, there is a rotation during the oscillations and microvibrations for a feeling of maximum cleanliness, as if you were leaving the dentist's office. And for good reason, the model eliminates 6 times more dental plaques than a normal device.

In any case, you will have to wait a bit before buying one since the release is only scheduled for the end of the summer.

Sources & credits
Source: Oral-B – Credit: Oral-B


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