One in seven would reveal their health data


Preventive check-up against health data – this could be a trade with the health insurance company. One in seven would be ready under certain conditions, e.g. pass it on to the health insurance company.

This is the conclusion of the TNS Infratest opinion poll, which the Federal Association of the Digital Economy (BVDW) e.V. had commissioned. However, if you are willing to pass on data, this is subject to conditions and would like e.g. decide for yourself which health-related data will be released to whom and for how long. Preventive examinations paid for by the health insurance company are among the considerations that would be the most used by those willing to share data – even more frequently by professionals than by non-professionals. Credit notes, paid prevention courses and bonuses follow.

Older people are more open to data sharing than younger people

However, the majority of respondents (65 percent) are still skeptical about the disclosure of health-related data and would not be prepared to disclose sensitive personal data in the event of a consideration. Surprisingly, people who are 60 years and older would be more willing to share the data than the younger ones (14 to 29 years).

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