The subject of smart health connected health was widely discussed during the two major events that mark the life of the profession, namely: the Annual Meetings of the Officine which took place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on 4/5/6 March 2017 and PharmagoraPlus on 11/12 March 2017.
These two complementary events were aimed at a diverse audience: pharmacists, groups, laboratories, students, preparers and any other actor with an interest in the pharmaceutical world.
It is around current affairs debates, meetings, workshops, conferences, stands that health professionals have been able to exchange views on the IoT Health revolution. Because yes, it's a technological revolution that is underway, but also a cultural revolution.
smart health connected health is not a gadget, but an essential vector of development for a whole section of the health economy.
Regarding pharmacies, the very precise qualitative studies of Hélène Decourteix for the echoes have shown that pharmacists have everything to gain by going digital and developing the sale and advice of smart health connected health devices. Indeed, the digitalization of the pharmacy will allow them to participate in patient monitoring, retain and develop a clientele and above all adapt to the new digital uses of which their clients have acquired control.
Officine: customers are very informed
Obviously, the latter did not wait for pharmacies to equip themselves with health objects to use the various digital tools that allow them to learn about health problems.
However, reading the data is not easy for those who are not health care professionals. That’s why the pharmacist’s advisory role is so important. He is the one who is able to analyze and interpret the data. It is still he who will know which healthcare professionals to refer the patient to.
In this vast market, there is a plethora of health devices. Few are medical devices and many are of little use. However, among all these objects, there are some that deserve our full attention.
The plethora of smart health connected devices
Pulse oximeters are one of them. They are effective tools for controlling the level of oxygen in the blood (SpO2) and quickly detecting oxygen deficiency in order to adapt a course of action to be taken in the event of asthma (under medical advice of course!).
smart health connected blood pressure monitors are used to monitoring changes in blood pressure so that the user and their doctor are able to anticipate cardiovascular risks. Self-monitoring is possible thanks to a smart health connected blood pressure monitoring which offers complete monitoring as well as a history of data on mobile devices.
In this vast field of smart health connected objects, we can also cite scales, blood glucose meters and many others. The editorial team will come back to all of these objects discovered or rediscovered at the Annual Officine and PharmagoraPlus Meetings. It should be noted that they also have the advantage of developing communication between health professionals and thus allow for some interoperability.
The future of smart health connected health? Why not virtual reality?
It was during the annual Meetings of the pharmacy that the subject was raised during a speech by our sister Cécile Brunelat Morvan accompanied by Gérald Kierzek, chronicler at Europe 1.
They have tried to answer the vast question of the connection of data between professionals and the future of smart health connected health. For Cécile, IoT health opens up impressive fields of possibilities for health.
As an example we can cite a Swedish pharmacy, which from a virtual reality application, can make a "prescription" to relieve pain related to vaccinations, menstrual pain, tattoos, muscle pain.
Gérald Kierzek remained more measured. According to him, smart health connected objects will never replace a doctor, but yes, on the other hand, they are welcome and make it possible to prevent risks and to coordinate professionals with one another.
The debates on smart health connected Health, retain a lot, the attention of pharmacists, because if they see it as a real tool for delivering advice, they realize that it is also a means likely to retain customers and improve the profitability of the pharmacy.