Ochsner Health System wants to revolutionize health

Oschsner Health System has just launched a campaign for entrepreneurs. The goal, that they offer ways to use smart health connected objects to improve health.

From Apple Watch to Fitbit trackers, wearables are popping up everywhere in our lives promising to improve the way we live, work, sleep, etc. In the face of this growing expansion, Ochsner Health System is asking entrepreneurs across the country to 'send their ideas on how to use smart health connected objects to improve the way patients manage diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases.

In a press release, Richard Milani, director of clinical transformation Ochsner, recalls that Louisiana is the fifth most affected state in the United States by the rate of diabetes and heart disease, making it the ideal testing ground for new technology that can empower patients to take control of their health. "The ideas generated by this challenge can provide new solutions to address these issues in our community, but also extend these results to patients across the United States.“Said Milani.

The challenge will have two phases. The first one started on Thursday will select up to 10 winning ideas. Each project will receive a $ 1,000. In the second phase, the field will be reduced to three startups that will compete for additional funds equivalent to $ 15,000 and the chance to work with Ochsner and his experts to develop its technology. The winning idea will be announced at New-Orleans Entrepreneur Week, which will be held next year from March 11-18. Entrepreneurs have until September 15 to submit their ideas.



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