With the Nexus Band, Google could join Fitbit, Xiaomi and Jawbone by marketing its own smart health connected bracelet in 2016. We already know that the Nexus bracelet should be offered at an affordable price.
The Nexus Band will be released at the same time as a light version of Android Wear; according to CCS Insight. "Google cannot afford to miss the data by millions of smart health connected wristbands in order to further its knowledge of Google users and increase the value of advertisements. It’s also a way to provide a more solid foundation for the Google Fit initiative. "
Fitbit and Xiaomi dominate wearable sales. Xiaomi alone has sold at least six million Mi Band. Fitbit now sells four to five million trackers per quarter. Google has work if it wants to catch up and end up on as many wrists as possible. The brand must therefore have a suitable operating system and define an aggressive pricing strategy. Earlier this year, some information had filtered. According to this information, Google X is working on an affordable non-medical quality device.
Also according to CCS Insight, Fitbit will be the first company to sell 100 million wearable by the end of 2017. According to the study, it is the brand most associated with fitness trackers in the United States. CCS Insight is also planning the rise of smart health connected clothing. Under Armor, which owns Endomondo and MyFitnessPal, will be the leading smart sportswear brand for 2025. Finally, pharmaceutical companies will become the largest market for wearable by 2023.