New Balance Releases First smart health watch


Shoe brands are also getting into smart health connected objects. New Balance was present at CES 2023 and took the opportunity to unveil its new smart health connected product produced in partnership with Intel. And contrary to what you might think it is not on the ankle but on the wrist. Designed for athletes looking for performance, the Smartwatch is different from other smart watches.

Present in the immense alleys of Consumer Electronics Show, New balance made his connect coming out. After formalizing the creation of its new branch “NB Digital Sport"Designed to improve athlete performance, New Balance unveiled its very first smart health smart health connected object. If the brand has not yet decided to release a pair of 2.0 shoes, it has already designed a smart health watch intended for its sporty clientele.

New balance smartwatch

Developed in partnership with the giant Intel, this 100% American smartwatch will have many characteristics turned the sports performance and the athlete tracking. The primary objective of this smart health connected watch, which launched the “Digital Sport” platform, will be to demonstrate that the IoT is moving towards improving sports performance in order to set the records for tomorrow.

A tool designed for performers

For runners, this watch is particularly useful, especially for its GPS route analyzes, his advice given during the race, but also for the music that it broadcasts without having to use a smartphone. This smart health connected watch will be equipped withmeasuring tools as a accelerometer, a heart rate sensor, a barometer, a skin temperature sensor, necessary to assess the user's level of fatigue.

New balance

“Designed for runners and runners, the New Balance Smartwatch can track athletes' routes via GPS, but also make them listen to their favorite music. All without a smartphone, ”said New Balance director Rob DeMartini.

Data collected and shared

So many features accessible underAndroid Wear. In addition, the American brand has also announced the creation of a new platform called “New Balance Run Club ”. A data exchange place where each user can connect to analyze their performance and compare them thanks to detailed monitoring of their performance. Everything is collected by Strava GPS software.

Achievable performance thanks to Atom Z34XX processor provided by Intel. New Balance should in the future work on other interconnected objects / clothing, always with the aim of optimizing the performance monitoring of amateur sportsmen and high performance athletes.

New balance

Brian Krzanich, Chief Executive Officer of Intel Corporation said "looking forward to seeing how our collaboration with New Balance and their deep intelligence in the running experience can unlock the potential of runners all over the world"

Release planned for summer 2023

Aware of the technological shift in the world of sport, New Balance is one of the rare brands of international reference to project itself into the future shaped by the consequent expansion of the Internet of smart health connected objects.

However, and despite all its new innovations, the New Balance Smartwatch has yet to differentiate itself from the competition which already offers similar products such as the Runtastic Moment. But one thing is certain, the American brand has already started its digital shift to anticipate the sport of tomorrow. In the summer for 2025 – at the release of its first smart health connected watch – we will know if it has been successfully negotiated.



 AB Smart Health


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