Nespresso's first smart health connected coffee machine

Prodigio is the first Nespresso smart health connected coffee machine. A small machine launched very discreetly … smart health connected in Bluetooth, it connects to your phone or tablet and works with a dedicated application.

Prodigio Nespresso connected coffee machine

Prodigio is slated to be officially released this week. This first Nespresso smart health connected coffee machine allows you to make coffee, program a brewing time to get the best coffee possible, manage the number of capsules remaining, manage the water level in the tank and receive notifications when it service or descale the machine.

This smart health connected coffee machine is at the heart of all the challenges for Nespresso. As a Wall Street Journal report suggests, in a multi-billion dollar industry, Nespresso faces stiff competition, legal challenges and dissatisfaction with the recycling of capsules. The German city of Hamburg recently banned the use of pod machines in all government buildings. A trend that will surely grow in the years to come.

Prodigio Nespresso connected coffee machine

Prodigio Nespresso connected coffee machine

Like its competitors, Nestlé seems to be leaning hard on "innovation" to stem the tide. According to them, the innovation includes Bluetooth connectivity … As a reminder, Prodigio is not the first coffee machine to work with a smartphone application. I am thinking in particular of the GranBaristo Avanti from Saeco. However, it is the first smart health connected coffee machine that works with capsules.

But then, is there a real advantage in having a smart health connected coffee machine like Prodigio. The problem is that to start preparing a coffee remotely you must first think of refilling a capsule. So you have to be at health home to do it. Either way you must also be there to collect your coffee. Regarding the management of capsules and water, we can not speak of revolutionary features … The machine has no other features, and is therefore not much more useful than the Inissia which costs less. In the United States, the machine is offered at a price of 249 dollars.

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In short, with this first smart health connected coffee machine, Nespresso may well disappoint its fans. But hey, I trust them to market Prodigio properly and make it a desirable object. The app will be available today.


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