Mycroft Mark II – The open source voice assistant!

Mycroft Mark II is an open voice assistant that wants to compete with the voice assistants of high-tech giants like the Amazon Echo and Google health home.

Mycroft Mark II works the same way but allows you to preserve data confidentiality and independence. You will be able to interact with technology and your smart health connected devices in the most natural way possible by talking to them. Mark II is a hands-free smart speaker for answering, playing music and managing every little detail in life, all by voice.

Mycroft Mark II - The open source voice assistant

You will understand, no difference with its competitors except that it is open source. According to its creators, AI and voice technology are too important to our collective future to remain the property of the giants of Silicon Valley. Mycroft's Mark II is the device that challenges them. Still according to them, it is the only voice assistant that respects your privacy, is fully transparent in the way your data is processed, and is customizable.

Successor to the Mark I, the Mycroft Mark II offers advanced features such as array microphones, beamforming, active noise cancellation and a bright screen to display important information. Mark II has an elegant and user-friendly design that can be placed anywhere in your health home.

Mycroft Mark II - The open source voice assistant

The Mark II will therefore be able to hear you even when you are on the other side of the room, or when your music is on. The microphone system consists of a set of 6 individual microphones which, combined with acoustic echo cancellation, noise reduction and beam formation, allow the speaker to be isolated even in an environment noisy.

To date, my Mycroft community has created more than 140 features. These features range from creating a shopping list to playing music and can even tell you jokes. Mark II users can find out about these features by asking the question "What's new today?", Or through our weekly community or website updates.

If the Mycroft Mark II interests you, it is currently being pre-ordered from 129 dollars.


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