move easier and faster

In a press release, ReWalk Robotics presents its new Rewalk 6.0 exoskeleton. This new model offers disabled people more mobility and comfort.

Three years ago, ReWalk Robotics presented the first version of its exoskeleton, intended to allow disabled people to walk. A few days ago, the company presented in a press release on its website the latest version of his device: Rewalk 6.0. "Version 6.0 Releases Exoskeleton For People With Spinal Cord Injury with better response, faster walking and with better gait control than previous generations of the product“Says Larry Jasinski, CEO of ReWalk Robotics.

2.5 km / h walking speed

The new version is tailor-made to better fit the body people wearing it. This precise adjustment will thus improve the system functions, the safety and the alignment of the user's joints. ensuring better walking. Clinical research has shown that with the exoskeleton, users can reach a speed of 2.5 km / h.

© ReWalk Robotics

Having removed the top of the exoskeleton, which included a device to wear like a backpack, removes the weight known so far on the shoulders and leaves not only the possibility of dressing as desired, but also makes installation and removal of the exoskeleton faster. The price of version 6.0 is relatively expensive, $ 77,000, or more than 70,000 euros.



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