More than 27 million euros allocated to IT investments in hospitals (circulars)


The third circular relating to the 2024 pricing and budgetary campaign for health establishments, announced on January 2 by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, allocates € 1.3 million in contract aid (AC) that cannot be renewed for support establishments of regional hospital groups (GHT) selected within the framework of the call for projects provided for in the instruction of September 6, 2024.

The delegation also makes it possible, in addition, to carry out a "regularization operation" for € 0.22 million, for the regional health agency (ARS) Ile-com-France, relating to the deployment of the C3 tool (consistent clinical paths), a secure website exclusively open to clinicians from GHT member establishments intended to detect deviations in practices and carried by the Diamond teams.

The Simphonie program, which aims in particular to simplify the administrative circuit of the patient, generalized in the regional hospital groups (GHT) since 2017, is allocated 3.3 M € in non-renewable AC.

"This financial support will make it possible to financially support the health establishments which are committed to the program as part of its generalization", it is specified.

A call for projects with the ARS for the use of secure messaging integrated into the MSsanté trust area is endowed with € 1.8 million non-renewable. Nine regional projects are granted a specific amount of 500,000 euros: 200,000 euros "for the initiation of the project" and 300,000 euros "conditional on reaching usage targets".

The objective of the call for projects is "to assess the ability to integrate data into the business software of the health professionals concerned (…) for the implementation of an exchange by secure messaging between professionals and feeding the patient's DMP with a view to sharing information between several healthcare professionals and the patient. "

The ARS obtain funding of 200,000 euros "in order to finalize their project".

Another amount of € 2.175 million non-renewable is dedicated to the pilot phase of setting up the unique identifier for medical devices (IUD) for the traceability of implantable medical devices (DMI).

It aims to "financially support a representative sample of health establishments" engaged in the implementation of the UDI, to "identify all the use cases" and "to identify a corpus of good practices necessary for its generalization".

The second delegation of appropriations from the modernization fund of public and private health establishments (FMESPP) for 2025, which was the subject of another circular circulated at the same time as the budgetary circular, notably provided for 20 million 'euros' for the initiation of projects' from the Hop'EN program.

It specifies that "the supporting documents for expenditure accepted are those subsequent to the date of publication of this circular, as well as those preceding the year of signature of the contractual commitment between the ARS and the establishment".

All the credits detailed in the framework of the two circulars are allocated to projects validated by the Interministerial Committee for Performance and Modernization of the Hospital Care Offer (Copermo).


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