More economical and more resistant?

You're here has recently ad the launch of its third generation solar tiles for residential use. Three years after the announcement of the concept of solar tiles – which resemble normal roofs, but with the ability to exploit thesolar energy in addition – Tesla has already released two different versions of these solar tiles. The first had flopped because of the price, the difficulty of obtaining the tiles and their installation.

The second solution, smoother and more traditional tiles, has also not been successful with consumers. And this, despite the operation of renting solar panels in order to make the prices more affordable and the concept more attractive. It is finally with this third Review that Tesla seems more confident.


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The company effectively rethought its concept from the start and decided to work on the performance, price and installation of its solar roofs.

Tesla's V3 solar roof ready for the big game

Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke to the media saying that the company was still working on the concept when it launched versions one and two of the solar tiles. " The third version is finally ready for the big game "Says the entrepreneur.

Generally, these new solar tiles will generate more energy than normal roofs fitted with traditional solar panels. This third version also seems more efficient in the sense that these tiles can cover a larger area of ​​the house. The company also said that these new solar roofs benefit from 25 years warranty, especially on their power generation and weather resistance. On this last point, Tesla states that these solar tiles can withstand winds of 130 km / h.

And on the price side, what does it give?

Also new is the Tesla Solar Roof now includes a price estimator. For example, the total price for installing 10 kW solar panels on an average house of 185 square meters is $ 42,500. But the site also says that after taking into account the federal tax incentive of $ 8,550, the price drops to $ 33,950.

You can also enter your address and get an updated estimate that will take into account the costs and incentives of your locality. Powerwalls batteries will already be included in the price, three by default for the example of the 185 square meter house.

As for the installation issue, Elon Musk said that Tesla is already recruiting and training specialized installers. But the company also plans to entrust the installations to subcontractors.

On the production side, Elon Musk hopes to produce 1,000 new roofs per week and plans to deploy this product in 100 million homes around the world. Pre-orders are already open, but only for the black version, but Tesla plans to quickly deploy its solar tiles worldwide and offer other designs. At least, that's what Elon Musk predicts.



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