Microsoft wants to help fight malaria

Microsoft has announced its new project to fight malaria with a drone specifically designed to capture and analyze mosquitoes.

An article treated this week returned on the 11 changes that technology will bring to the field of medicine, and to health. There is no doubt that Microsoft's project falls into this category. Premonition, as it is called has the ambition to detect pathogenic bacteria in mosquitoes before these are transmitted to humans and contaminates them. To carry out this business, a drone with robotic traps should be created to track down these insects, capture them and take a blood sample.

Among the key technological points of the Premonition project, Microsoft is emphasizing the future capacity of the drone to attract several mosquito species thanks to its trap, and of course differentiate them from other animals. Using such a device would expand also the areas covered today, away from roads where vegetation is dense and difficult for a man to access. Also near dilapidated structures, where mosquitoes lay their eggs.

Microsoft will create the software

health drone premonition project

The data collected will be then retransmitted in real time on a computer platform whose software will carry out the sequencing of the genome of the pathogens discovered. The exchange of information in real time is truly important in the health field, especially in this kind of situation, and would become a real asset. Hence the need to manufacture a machine as autonomous, robust, as fast. Microsoft will not take care of the drone part, but will focus on software development that will be used, “new algorithms must be developed to quickly search for viruses and microbes, which are needles in these haystacks that are data“, Explains the company on its site.

Cloud Computing will be essential for storing the huge mass of data and provide the necessary computing power to their analyzes. With so much information about microbes and viruses in space and time, the goal would be to be able to map their movements and their evolution, before they affect people. Currently in the testing phase, the project Premonition could materialize for 2025.

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