Manage your daily stress with this smart health bracelet that knows exactly how to relax


At the time of the peak of smart health connected watches, a small bracelet comes to point the tip of his nose. This bracelet is WellBe: an intelligent piece of jewelry that has the capacity to manage the daily stress of the individual wearing it. smart health connected to a mobile application, WellBe will allow its users to optimize their well-being. Thanks to SooCurious, discover this common sense technology.

Bye bye stress. Wellbe is most certainly the first piece of jewelry that allows you to take care of yourself. Smart, this bracelet is indeed smart health connected to you – by analyzing your daily actions – and optimizes your behavior. Wellbe identifies your movements, knows how to position yourself over time and reacts according to the people you meet. All of this data is transmitted to your smartphone (via the application downloaded upstream on Android or iOS).

Manage your daily stress with this smart health bracelet that knows exactly how to relax

The information collected and analyzed by the bracelet allows, through the user's pulse, to offer him a personalized program. This personalized plan thus offers meditation exercises, concentration solutions, breathing therapies or even relaxing music. So, of course, this bracelet is a pure concentrate of countless high-tech tools. But not only technological, Wellbe is also extremely design. The jewelry comes from a natural substance from oak.

Wellbe, funded on the platform Indiegogo, managed to break the 100,000 dollar mark in less than two weeks. A real feat! Elegant and ecological, this designer bracelet will surely be one of the gadgets of tomorrow. Unless its price (119 dollars / 108 euros) does not stress more than one … Would you be ready to spend such a sum to feel less stressed?



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