MAD Gaze – Smart Glass at an affordable price

MAD Gaze are smart glass that appeared on the crowdfunding site Indigogo. Offered at a very affordable price, what are the features of these smart glasses?

MAD Gaze are therefore wearables which aim to facilitate and amplify daily life. This product transforms traditional 2D graphics into an exciting 3D experience. Operating with an Android mobile operating system, it has all the functionality of a smartphone. But this little smart health smart health connected object is much more than a simple smartphone.

MAD Gaze Smart Glass cheap connected glasses

It uses in fact an augmented reality technology (AR +) transforming the information that surrounds us into digital and interactive information. Using multi-touch and voice commands, you have your hands free to do whatever you need to do. MAD Gaze offers four main features.

First, it offers instant translation functionality. If you are traveling to a foreign country whose language you do not know, an automatic translation application will allow you to see on the smart glass screen an instant translation of what you want in the language you want. These smart health connected glasses also offer a function that allows users to make phone calls, send messages, access a personal digital assistant, send photos, etc. Third feature: play and have fun. Thanks to the AR + you can play games and interact with friends. Finally the last main feature of this wearable is GPS navigation. The MAD Gaze will allow you to never get lost again. With the map and directions right in front of you, you're sure not to miss the road to take. This feature is very interesting for sports such as cycling or running.

MAD Gaze Smart Glass cheap connected glasses

MAD Gaze Smart Glass cheap connected glasses

These four features are just a few examples of what MAD Gaze can do. This pair of smart health connected glasses also allows you to take photos, record videos, browse the internet using Wi-Fi, use third-party applications, etc. Basically, you can do everything you would do with a smartphone without using your hands.

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If you are interested, visit IndieGogo. Prices start at $ 369.


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