Luna – The smart health connected mattress cover

Luna is a smart health connected mattress cover perfect for all those who don't want to spend more than 1000 euros to buy a smart health connected bed or smart bed.

Luna is therefore a much more affordable solution. This mattress cover incorporates sensors that allow you to detect your breathing and heart rate. In addition to these sensors, an accelerometer allows you to track your sleep habits and microphones to listen to your snoring … because yes, you are probably snoring! ?

luna connected mattress cover

luna connected mattress cover

Luna will then send all this information to an Android or iOS application. This smart health connected mattress cover can adapt its temperature to suit your preferences: it will warm up or cool down for a good night's sleep. It can even maintain different temperatures on each side of the bed.

Another good point for Luna: this product is open-source. You can therefore operate it with the rest of your smart health home. Obviously, and it's becoming a habit, it can connect with your Nest Thermostat. You can even program it with your door lock (obviously smart health connected) to tell it to lock when you go to bed. Another example: you can ask your coffee maker to start making you coffee as soon as you get up.

If it is not available for purchase at the moment, know that this cover is however available for pre-order on the Luna Sleep website. You might like the price: $ 179 for a queen size bed and $ 189 for a king size bed. With that you will have no more excuses to get up on the wrong foot! Look :

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