LuDela unveils a smart and smart health connected candle

Imagine a candle whose flame can be controlled with a smartphone; the dream ! Well, this dream has come true thanks to LuDela who has just unveiled a smart health connected and intelligent candle.

LuDela is a real candle, not an LED candle. The flame is not false, moreover if you want to check, put your hand above the flame; but you might get burned … I think it's the first smart candle in the world.

LuDela smart and connected candle

To make it work, nothing could be simpler, you just have to pair it with your smartphone thanks to a wireless "Wi-Fire" connection (little pun from the brand). Thanks to this app, you can light multiple flames on or off if you have multiple candles or choose scenes to get a special mood. There is even a safety measure which allows to extinguish the candle or candles in case of danger; if they fall, for example. Inside the big candle (which is actually just a receptacle) is the smart system and a good old white candle that we all have in our cupboards.

The LuDela candle is available for pre-order starting at $ 99 for a delivery scheduled for early 2017. So, yes, almost a hundred dollars a candle is expensive. But hey, I saw smart lights with a lot less charm that cost more. Anyway, I think its price is going to be a big drag on many people.

Battery life is around five to six months. For the indoor wax candle, no information on service life or replacement. In my opinion, its lifespan must be much shorter than that of batteries. As it is a classic candle, you should be able to find some quite easily in the trade.


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