looking for the ideal smart health connected wallet? Best smart health innovation

Here are the new features we’ve selected for smart wallet, item locator, and more. Let yourself be tempted by its products, as useful as they are elegant, whose usefulness will quickly become essential in the coming years.

1 – Walli, a foolproof organization

walli, the connected wallet

Walli, the smart wallet, has an application on Android and iOS. What characterizes Walli the most is that he is capable to know what makes up your portfolio. This option therefore allows your smart health connected wallet to warn by notification on your smartphone, if you forget your identity or bank card for example. Walli also allows warn you if you move away from him. So, Walli finds himself through your phone, but your Walli can also find your phone. By tapping the wallet, your smartphone can ring, so you can find it.

Walli is composed of different compartments very well organized and thought out: 6 places for credit and business cards, one for the passport, another for money, and finally a last specially designed for boarding passes. In short, your Walli will allow you to integrate everything into it, and above all, never to lose anything.

Walli was launched on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo, from 89 dollars, or around 80 euros.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGk42-aUNd0 (/ embed)

2 – Woolet, duration and safety

woolet smart wallet

Woolet is a smart health connected wallet with a rather classic and ultra-thin design. Through an application, available only on the Apple Store, you can find it by geolocating it, no matter the situation. Composed of invisible pockets, you will be able hide your credit cards, keys or money. This smart wallet works in Bluetooth, and its battery is designed to last two years without being recharged. In addition, it is leather and handmade … enough to attract more than one!

The orders for the Woolet smart health connected wallet are currently starting at $ 109, or just under 100 euros.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqV5P0x4K3k (/ embed)

3 – Wallert, elegance and guarantee at low prices

wallert logo

Wallert is a smart, thin and elegant wallet. Its fundraising campaign was launched on KickStarter, and has so far recovered double the amount desired.

This object is smart health connected to an application Android or iOS via Bluetooth, which allows it to be very easily located, and therefore to be found. The app also warns in real time if the owner of the wallet moves away from it. The battery lasts a month and a half, according to the company that launched it.

If the company seems to have intended its product mainly for men, it will undoubtedly equally delight the female, who will be seduced by its design and its price.

Wallert, currently available from 49 dollars (about 44 euros), with one year warranty.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqV5P0x4K3k (/ embed)

4 – Wocket Smart Wallet, the object with multiple possibilities

wocket card

This product is probably different from what you might imagine when you think of “smart wallet“. Indeed, the purpose of this object is replace all your cards and your wallet in a single object. It consists of a case: the Wocket, and his card, the Wocket Card.

The Wocket Card offers multiple possibilities. She builds on your existing portfolio and offers him new possibilities, so that he becomes intelligent, while being secured. All your cards can be classified by categories and group on this one and the same card. This device also allows online payments to be made.
Your wallet will no longer overflow from your pocket, because everything is brought together in one tool.

Your Wocket unlocks with a password or recognition of your own voice, thanks to a biometric system and the battery is designed to last one year without being recharged. Its touch screen allows you multiple possibilities, like taking notes for example.

The Wocket Smart Wallet is available from 179 dollars, or just under 160 euros.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekODx67d2pY (/ embed)

5 – Ekster Wallet, all in one!

ekster wallets connected wallets

This portfolio combines design, utility and aesthetics, in a practical logic.

Indeed, it has a super fast access to the cards contained in the wallet, thanks to a button. Which is reassuring because this device prevents cards from falling out of the wallet.

Ekster Wallet also has an application on Android and iOS, which allows locate and indicate the distance between the wallet and its owner, from their smartphone. As in some cases seen previously in this top, it is also possible to find your phone with your Ekster Wallet. Furthermore, wallet battery lasts up to 6 months.

The portfolio was designed with a system of card protection, which prevents anyone from having access to the data it contains.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrQq12WhHQo (/ embed)

Its quality leather as well as its classy and well thought out design also testify to its success on Indiegogo.

6 – Smart Card, the card to swipe in your wallet

the smart crate

This little object will amaze you. It will allow you to load absolutely everything, from iPhone to any camera, thanks to its different adapters. You can also read your micro SD cards or hard drives.

Its battery, in use, may last until 12 o'clock. Its size and ergonomics will allow you to take it anywhere, slip it into your wallet, your jacket, or hang it on your keys.

The smart card can also act as flashlight.

Its funding had been launched on Indiegogo and had been more than 40% successful.

7 – De Rigueur, French luxury

de rigueur

The startup was very successful at the last CES of Las Vegas in January 2016. Indeed, she was rewarded for this smart health connected case, both sober and elegant, which ideally translates the image of French fashion.

The smart health connected Sleeve“, As the company presents, is a case that allows you to recharge your phone battery. Its design, imagined in Parisian offices, is both fine and authentic, because its quality leather comes from Italy, and is hand sewn in France. This not insignificant argument offers a pledge of a certain quality, recognized by all.

The use is simple: insert your phone into the case, it will charge instantly. An application lets you know the battery level of your case, and it is recharged through a USB port, or wirelessly.

Conquered? Their fundraising campaign goes by here !

This company has also updated the “fuck-in-town“, Small bag used by men of the 20th century.

Thus, De Rigueur has established itself on the luxury and smart health connected leather goods market, a guarantee of French quality for world renown.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG5zmv03E-w (/ embed)

8 – Cross Grabado Tech Plus, Italian security

cross grabado tech plus

Its design is immediately thought of Italian leather.

Cross Grabado Tech Plus has a chip Bluetooth which offers, like the versions seen above, the possibility to find your portfolio thanks to its application, by geolocating it. The app also helps you warn if your wallet is moving away from you.

It also has RFID protection system, which will protect your information from hackers of bank data.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUziPGf3HWI (/ embed)

9 – Wistiki, the end of lost items

The French company has understood contemporary issues. Nothing is more annoying than looking for your keys, phone or wallet when you're late and your departure has to be imminent.

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<p><noscript><img decoding=The principle is as simple as child's play: just attach, paste or drag a Wistiki in your wallet, on your keys, your car or even your smartphone. So you can ring any of its objects, from your phone and fromWistiki Android and iOS application. It is also possible toreverse the procedure, to find your smartphone from any object associated with Wistiki.

Wisitiki also offers the possibility of using a “virtual leash“, Which allowssend an alert when the object you have linked is moving away from you, like your dog or your suitcase for example.

The advantage of this product is also that all Wistiki users can find, without even knowing it, objects of other users when they pass by. It also allows you to enter a contact with a user, if you find their lost object.

This device is currently available from 24.90 euros.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ef3-xt8Ivc (/ embed)

10 – BlueBee, the bee that will find your belongingsbluebee colorsBlueBee is an object of the same type as Wistiki. Indeed, thanks to its application available on Android and App Store, paired with small devices find any object to which you have paired a BlueBee. BlueBee may also allow you to find your phone.

This little smart health connected tag will alert you as soon as you you will move away from your belongings, and will allow you to locate a maximum of objects. The settings could allow you to choose the distance at which BlueBee should alert you.

BlueBee, practical thanks to its small size, is available in different colors to adapt to all tastes. BlueBee can also be used as a camera trigger.

Currently available from 29.90 euros!


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