Liva, a smart health connected bracelet that holds your health information


Liva is a modern and aesthetic bracelet that holds all your health information.

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Liva, security made easy

liva health connect bracelet

In an emergency, information escapes us, if your child is in the hospital, will you know instantly, under the effect of shock, remember that he has drug allergies? Liva offers to discharge this task. This thin, modern and aesthetic bracelet is the perfect solution to make sure that whatever happens, medical professionals can access essential information.

Born in Rouen, this idea is incredible because it is so simple. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone, and this bracelet reveals their information thanks to a QR code, therefore, the link is quickly made. Medical staff will know who to contact in the event of an emergency and will be able to respond as quickly as possible knowing the medication issues, history and essential information about the victim.

How Liva works

liva bracelet qr code

The QR codes date from 1994, they automatically refer to a URL link that you can fully customize. Abbreviation for quick answer, these codes are quickly decipherable thanks to theapplication downloadable on smartphones and tablets. From then on, the person who will find you in a state of emergency will only have to flash your bracelet to have access to the essential and necessary information.

Each bracelet creates a unique account that contains the vital information that you have chosen to provide. These data are secure and confidential, only you and those who flash your bracelet will have access to it. At any time, you can correct or add information that you consider useful.

Liva's instructions

To obtain this smart health connected bracelet, you must pay the sum of 45 euros. Available in round or square, the color and texture of the cord are also customizable. In addition to this purchase, you can add 25 euros per year if you want an SMS or email alert be sent when the QR code is flashed.

Once the jewel in your possession, you just have to flash the QR code with your smartphone, create an account on the Liva platform and create your health record which will contain your photo, your name, your gender, your age, your blood group, your emergency numbers, your allergies, the drugs you are currently taking, your history, your pathologies, your wish to be a donor or not organs and additional information you want to share with doctors.

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<p style=Among the many smart health connected bracelets available on the market, few are as discreet, simple and useful from a health point of view. However, be careful not to upset your friend / lover of the moment otherwise he could take advantage of your sleep to scan your bracelet, discover your allergies and carry out a Machiavellian plan to poison you …




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