Linky: justice forces Enedis to install a microwave filter on 13 electro-sensitive devices

Shift the April 25, 2024 at 12 h 27 min

A Bordeaux judge has just dismissed the legal action brought by a group of 206 anti-Linky. Enedis is therefore not obliged to uninstall the smart health connected meters installed with the complainants. On the other hand, the firm will have to set up an anti-wave filter in 13 people considered to be “electro-hypersensitive”.

Linky: justice forces Enedis to install a microwave filter on 13 electro-sensitive devices

The Bordeaux regional court has just reject the request of an anti-Linky collective, reports the AFP. According to the judge in charge of the case, the applicants " do not justify the existence of a manifestly unlawful disorder, whether in relation to the right to consumption or the GDPR " (Editor's note: the general data protection regulations). "They do not justify any imminent damage, either in terms of their health, the safety of people and property or the quality of work required of installers" considers the court decision.

Linky: a judge forces Enedis to install anti-wave filters

The judge, however, estimated that 13 of the 206 complainants "Justify a manifestly unlawful disturbance by breach of a precautionary principle" because Enedis installed the meter at their health home "Without the installation of a filter protecting them from electromagnetic fields".

Read also: why the Linky electric meter does not convince households

To prove that the meter is detrimental to their quality of life, they had to submit a slew of medical certificates. The 13 "electro-hypersensitive" complain in particular of headaches and insomnia. Among the other symptoms generally put forward by hypersensitive to waves, there are also disturbances in attention and memory, irritability and tingling in the fingers.

In the next two months, Enedis will therefore have to install a "Filter device protecting them" electromagnetic fields. This is another victory for the many opponents of the smart health connected meter. In March, a Toulouse judge had authorized several electro-sensitive people to refuse the installation of a Linky meter.

Enedis will appeal

Enedis quickly announced its intention to appeal the judge's decision, saying that the meter did not "No more significant effect than other everyday objects", Like a WiFi box or a smartphone. "All the measurements carried out by independent organizations show levels of electric and magnetic fields far below the regulatory limits" Enedis said in a press release sent to AFP.

Read also: Linky is involved in several fires

Nevertheless, the group specifies that in extremely rare cases of “electro-hypersensitive” customers, it is very willing to "Implement personalized and adapted support" without saying more. What do you think of this case? Do you want to refuse the installation of the smart meter? We await your opinion in the comments.


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