Linky: a judge authorizes electro-sensitive people to refuse the installation of the meter

The installation of a Linky meter can now be refused by several electrosensitive people following a decision by a judge in Toulouse. They must provide a medical certificate proving their condition. Enedis has already appealed this decision.

Linky: a judge authorizes electro-sensitive people to refuse the installation of the meter

A Toulouse judge in summary proceedings authorized thirteen plaintiffs from Haute-Garonne and Ariège to refuse the installation of a Linky smart health connected meter at their health home on condition that they justify their electro-hypersensitivity with a medical certificate, reports The South Dispatch. A decision that could set a precedent.

Refusing the installation of a Linky meter becomes possible

“For the first time, a magistrate considers that sick people and sensitive to the waves – those generated by the new meter and its operation – must be protected. In a way, the magistrate validates our suspicions about the health risks that the Linky meter can pose to people sensitive to the waves ", believes Me Christophe Léguevaques, who represents the complainants.

Also read: Linky: why the new electric meter does not convince households

However, he said that 216 plaintiffs who objected to Linky's arrival at health home and claiming the protection of privacy were dismissed. The personal data of users can indeed be used for other purposes than those originally planned. The Cnil had also put Direct Energie on notice for use of the meter data without the consent of customers.

Enedis’s lawyer, Olivier Piquemal, said the company had appealed the decision. “Identical applications have been examined by the courts of Montbelliard, Valence, Tarascon and Lorient, and they have all been dismissed. We consider that in law, the court of summary jurisdiction is not competent to judge this type of dispute. It is for this reason that the previous procedures did not succeed., he explains to La Dépêche du Midi. What to return this first judicial defeat?


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