Knut Water – A smart water leak detector

Knut Water is a smart little water leak detector. Installed in a room like a cellar, under a water heater or in a bathroom, it will monitoring humidity, temperature and warn you on your smartphone if it detects a leak or flood.

Knut Water smart water leak detector

Knut Water is perfect for second health home owners who want to keep an eye on their health home when they're not there. Thanks to Knut and its application, it is possible to set alerts to know if the temperature is too high or too low or if there is a leak or flood. This product is also ideal for avoiding any damage linked to electrical appliances such as water heaters, dishwashers, air conditioners, etc. In short, all those who could cause damage due to water. Unlike other incidents, the causes of water damage can be detected. By intervening early, damage can be reduced or prevented.

smart health connected via Wi-Fi, Knut will not only send you alerts. It also keeps track of what's going on in your health home. The iOS, Android and Windows compatible application will graphically represent all the sensors and their recordings. As I said, the app also allows you to create alert rules, change settings, manage multiple Knuts simultaneously, and configure Knuts quickly and efficiently.

Knut Water smart water leak detector

Knut Water smart water leak detector7 Knut Water smart water leak detector

On the battery side, Knut Water works with two standard AA batteries which give it two years of autonomy. You will be warned that they must be changed when there is only 15% of autonomy left. Obviously, if you don't want to use batteries, you can use the built-in microUSB port and plug this smart water leak detector directly into an outlet.

If this product interests you, watch the short ehealth below and go to KickStarter. You can pre-order it from 40 dollars.



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