Tinké helps you interpret your stress and fitness data through numerous measures.
Tinké measures and explains
Tinké seems easy to use, just place your thumb on the sensor between 30 seconds to one minute to know the data.
He harvests the heartbeat, the oxygenation rate, the breathing capacity and variations in the rhythm of the beats of the heart.
He compares his data to pre-recorded indications in his system, namely, the average resting heart rate which is 60 to 80 beats per minute, the oxygenation rate which must be around 95%. He also knows that you have to breathe 8 to 16 times a minute and that too large variations in the heart rate denounce uncontrolled stress.
The app will therefore provide you with vital data and zen attitude indications. You can compare them over time with the dashboard that sets up a evolution graph of these two data curves.
From a technical point of view
For devices Apple, Tinké is 42 mm high, 32 mm wide and 7 mm thick, for devices Android, this smart health smart health connected object is much bigger, it measures 70 mm high by 37 mm wide, it nevertheless keeps the same thickness.
It will only weigh 11g for the version Apple against 23g for the version Android.
He works without battery for Apple, since it plugs directly into the Smartphone. For the Android, a lythium battery should be replaced every 120 tests, about every month.
You have to pay $ 119, 105 € for the Apple version, $ 10, 8 euros more for Android.
Heart rate and oxygenation trackers are already on the market for infants and children. Additional data is present here: the stress analysis and the number of inspirations taken, that said, is this data really relevant from a medical point of view?
In addition, unlike activity bracelets that continuously ensure the normality of this data, here, you have to make the choice to self-measure, the relevance is largely reached in the sport phase …
Finally, why such animosity towards Android?
source: worldconnected.com