KeenBrace – A smart health connected bodybuilding coach

KeenBrace is a device with muscle mapping technology that can be worn on the arm, forearm or thigh to keep track of everything going on during your weight training and cardio sessions.

Thanks to KeenBrace, the effectiveness of your flexes and squats will no longer hold any secrets for you! In addition to helping you keep in shape, this smart health smart health connected object will help you train through exercises and coaching sessions.


According to the company, the monitoring of exercises, movements and muscle fatigue are monitored by surface electromyography (SEMG). So, for example, when you run, the device detects it and almost instantly offers you to modify the way you run so as not to injure yourself and improve your performance.

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Currently being funded on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo, the device is available for pre-order from 59 dollars. Once the crowdfunding period has ended, the device will be available for $ 149. The company therefore offers a sacred early bird discount! Since two KeenBrace devices can be worn simultaneously by the athlete to obtain more detailed information, a pack with two devices is also offered at a price of 119 dollars. If the funding target of $ 25,000 is reached, the first devices should be shipped as early as next November.

Obviously, KeenBrace is not the only device of its kind. Devices like the Moov Now and the Atlas bracelet both offer similar functionality for athletes. The great interest of KeenBrace is to address a community of sportsmen little considered by manufacturers: fans of bodybuilding. So let's hope that this crowdfunding campaign is a success and that this product is born!


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