IRIScan Book Executive 3 Review, the scanner smart health connected but not too much smart health innovation

After a disappointing IRIScan Pro, we are tackling a much more mobile version of the scanner. It is no longer a question of bringing the sheet into the device, but of scanning directly by passing the product over the sheet. Even stronger, a WiFi function to recover all data wirelessly. But the reality is unfortunately much less idyllice.

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Mark : IRIS

Category : smart health connected scanner

Maximum recommended price : 129 euros

Availability : available


As usual we would like to say. From one product to another, the packaging does not change in the Canon supply chain. Inside, in addition to the many user manuals, there is of course the scanner and a USB cable. Otherwise, in the department of false joys, you will find written on the box "SD card supplied", a great idea since the device does not have internal memory. So maybe it was an error from the distributor or in the assembly of the boxes it was always that in the Review copy we received, we simply had the SD adapter, not the mini card. Unfortunate isn't it?

Design & Ergonomics

The finish is rather clean even if there is a small weakness in the mini SD slot that had trouble getting our card back the first few times. We thought it was lost forever. In terms of design, it does not shine with incredible originality, but knows how to be discreet and this is undoubtedly the most important. Indeed, for this time, mobility is really there. Not too big and relatively light, it will be very easy to transport even in a bag for you ladies. Students should also find their account to scan certain passages of books at the university library. You still have to succeed in using it and that is not necessarily easy.


Ouch ouch ouch what is ugly. After the IRIScan Pro 3 applications which were, we can say, a real scandal, we do not have much better here. The IRIScan Book application is frankly ugly. There are no other words. It looks like a pre-alpha version and again we are nice. Outdated aesthetically, as soon as we look at performance, it is not very famous either. Once in two, the scanner is simply not detected, it will be necessary to turn the scanner off and then on again, the same for the WiFi connection and the application. Carnage. On the computer side, the link to access the files via WiFi is not much better. the petit air Windows 95 is 20 years behind. The same connection problems are still present. This is just frightening to release a product that wants to be smart health connected with such connection problems.

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Software level, Readiris and Cardiris are always present in the box. They allow you to edit scanner text, modify a lot of stuff. And it's always quality. These are recognized and normally chargeable software. We will not complain. However, if you want to make these changes on your mobile terminal. Only iOS is capable of it and of course, these features are billed between 4 and 7 euros.

Use / Getting started

If everything about connectivity is close to the massacre (see above), let's take a look at the scanner part. You can define the quality you want, namely 300, 600 or 900 DPI, as well as the format: PDF or JPG. The quality is there, but it will take patience to master the speed and regularity of the operation. We very quickly had a perfectly filthy and poorly cut image. For books, the groove in the middle will often be annoying, see very annoying and you risk missing ends. Honestly, the brand could have found a solution to this. An IRIScan book in trouble with books is still a shame.


This is the title of the box

> Very mobile
> Good ideas

This is the title of the box

> Incredibly poorly thought out connectivity
> Outdated applications
> Adaptation time to master well
> Not easy to scan books

What prevails after this Review phase is an incredible lack of rigor. Between the SD card that is not in the box, the connectivity that works once in two and the applications that are 20 years behind in terms of design and ergonomics, difficult to be satisfied. If you are looking for a mobile scanner, you may find your happiness with the IRIScan Book, but as a smart health smart health connected object, it may be complicated.

Use / handling


Design & Finishing / Ergonomics : The contract is fulfilled. Easy to carry in a bag it is a real mobile product. Still, the finish of the SD port is not optimal.
Application : It has at least the merit of working but what is it ugly. We feel that the manufacturer has not really sprained himself. Add to that the return of paid apps on iOS.
Features : On paper, the features are attractive. WiFi, the ability to scan anything. Big problem with books, however, the grooves are often very annoying.
Use / Getting started : But the return to reality is complicated. You will have to be patient to master the device. The connectivity part is sloppy, badly done and frustrating.
Value for money : For what he offers, the price is not shameful but would have deserved more rigor in the development. We could have had a great product but that is not the case, as a smart health smart health connected object in any case.


2.25 out of 5

Can do better

IRIScan Book Executive 3 Review, the scanner smart health connected but not too much

Reviewed by Thomas Remilleret


Design & Finishing / Ergonomics : The contract is fulfilled. Easy to carry in a bag it is a real mobile product. Still, the finish of the SD port is not optimal.
Application : It has at least the merit of working but what is it ugly. We feel that the manufacturer has not really sprained himself. Add to that the return of paid apps on iOS.
Features : On paper, the features are attractive. WiFi, the ability to scan anything. Big problem with books, however, the grooves are often very annoying.
Use / Getting started : But the return to reality is complicated. You will have to be patient to master the device. The connectivity part is sloppy, badly done and frustrating.
Value for money : For what he offers, the price is not shameful but would have deserved more rigor in the development. We could have had a great product but that is not the case, as a smart health smart health connected object in any case.

Rating: 2.25


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