[IFA] Make a difference with the Freebee Reflex!


While some companies take advantage of events such as IFA to showcase all of their ranges, others prefer to reveal their new products. This is particularly the case of Freebee with its Reflex.

Every day, a new smart health connected bracelet made his appearance, and more and more for athletes. While running or team sports are markets at the limit of saturation, swimming is a booming sector. If some companies like Speedo understood this and acted on it, others are likely to be damn the pawn by startups that are on the rise. This is the case of Freebee which, taking advantage of the IFA, decided to launch in the deep end with its smart health connected bracelet. Called Reflex, it stands out from the competition mainly by its differentiation of activities.

Freebee Reflex

While some smart health connected objects do not differentiate between the number of steps and the beginning of physical exertion, the multitude of sensors present on the Freebee bracelet offer a multitude of possibilities. Indeed, the Reflex allows its user to know precisely when it started to work out and how intense when the balance sheet time has arrived. In addition, thanks to the mobile application (available on iOs and Android), it is also possible to make a performance history sports.


 AB Smart Health


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