Say hello to the fitness tracker who wants to monitoring your sexual activity. Say hello to i.Con, the very first smart health connected and intelligent condom!
i.Con Smart Condom is not strictly speaking a condom. It’s more of a smart health connected ring that fits on condoms. Already announced last year, it is now available for pre-order on the internet. But then, what does it actually measure?
Well, according to its creators, you will have information on pushing speed and rhythm. You will also have information on the number of calories you have burned. Finally, you can have measurements regarding the temperature of the skin and on the circumference. To top it off, you will also know how many sexual relationships you have had. Finally, on the dedicated smartphone application, you can discover stacked statistics and compare your performance to that of the rest of the world. The ring is charged via Micro USB. Its battery has a life of six to eight hours.
At the moment, there is no image of the product is available on the brand site. It is therefore complicated to have a precise idea concerning this product. It's also unclear how the technology – which is a combination of nano-chips and sensors – will work. We do know, however, that the i.Con will only be available in one size with a ring adjustment feature.
This product therefore seems to be, above all, a gadget. If you are still interested, go to It will cost you the modest sum of £ 59.99. Please note, nothing will be debited to you at first; the product is only for pre-order. Also note that the data collected via this small smart health smart health connected object will obviously be anonymized. However, nothing prevents you from using the functionality allowing you to share your exploits with your friends.