If smart health connected objects are now part of our daily lives, and allow the considerable improvement of our social, economic, or cultural life in a practical spirit, what exactly is it for the improvement of health services in the world? hospital of the future? Objetconnecte.net has selected for you the new advances in E-Health.
What you will learn
1) Apple's Health app
The company with the crunched apple has already thought about the problem of the hospital of the future since June 2014.
With the release of the iphone 6 and iOS 8, Apple has made the ambitious project to integrate its services to the medical field. So, the "Health" application, is used today in several American hospitals to centralize patient data.
This allows Measuring the state of health on a daily basis It offers, for example, an analysis of sleep, physical activity, blood sugar level, or respiratory or cardiac rhythm thanks to the Apple Watch. It also allows to store information such as blood type, allergies, or current medical treatments, to facilitate the taking of information by medical staff.
2) Microsoft, the Kinect and the OPECT application
Microsoft is also interested in taking care of patients in the hospital of the future by launching several years ago now the Kinect, a camera that detects motion.
In Japan, the company launched the OPECT medical application: a medical imaging system give sensitive information about the patient's state of health without moving. This technique has already proved its worth, for example by offering disabled children the opportunity to communicate about their physical health without movement.
This technique therefore allows a considerable improvement in the management of space in the hospital of the future.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Ep3oqicVU (/ embed)
3) smart health connected rooms of Lille University Hospital
To go further, the University Hospital of Lille, and several entrepreneurs in the field of health in Nord-Pas-com-Calais, have thought of revisiting the hospital room. By creating a smart health connected space, it became possible to improve the conditions of well being and autonomy of the patients in the hospital of the future. The goal is to make them actors in their health, while facilitating their care by caregivers.
This "concept room" would allow maximum patient care thanks to an automated room that offers the opportunity to have fun, access to its agenda …. in short, ease its autonomy. Its ergonomics, in addition to facilitating the work of the medical team, is ultra flexible. This creates more pleasant spaces, for the patient as for his visitors.
Photo credit: Clinifit, RAMSAY Group
4) The smart health connected cart, conductor of the hospital of the future
In order to respond to organizational problems in hospitals, a new smart health connected cart has appeared. This allows, thanks to an application, to make the patient's stay more pleasant, while facilitating the work and management of staff and care services.
Access to free beds, technical malfunctions, planning of various services, the journey of patients in the hospital … There are many opportunities offered by this new "communicating trolley".
5) Smart dressing, a step towards healing
Researchers at the University of Texas in Arlington have developed the so-called "smart" dressing. Placed on the wound, it would allow to relieve pain, to better follow the evolution of the wound and to heal it more quickly. All this by giving accurate information to doctors about the care to be provided. A real step forward in the treatment of complex injuries!
The team at the origin of this advance think that this dressing will be more accurate and less expensive than the more "classic" techniques of today.
6) Athenahealth, or the Cloud of E-Health
The company of E-Health across the Atlantic has reached an agreement with the University Medical Center of Toledo, to create a cloud gathering all the medical records in a hospital. This agreement will enable the hospital of the future to share their information in a transparent way.
This is the first major health data bundle project for the US company, and it will allow a fast and secure visibility of medical records.
The innovations concerning E-Health will become more and more numerous, to facilitate the work of hospitals and medical services to consolidate medical information, while allowing patients to be more independent and better supported.