How to take your temperature

Man is a homeothermic animal. This means that despite the external variations, its core temperature is stable.

This is not the case with animals called poikilotherms, for example, fish, amphibians or reptiles. Their internal temperature varies with that of their environment and in the same direction.

The different methods of taking the temperature

Central temperature

The central temperature is the most precise, it is based on the measurement of the temperature in the pulmonary artery using a catheter equipped with a thermal probe which provides the temperature in situ.

The principle is the same for the probes allowing the measurement of the esophageal temperature. However, invasive measurement sites use methods, the implementation of which requires specific equipment and skills.

Rectal temperature

Rectal temperature varies slowly from the internal temperature, it has been shown to remain high long after the patient's internal temperature has started to drop and vice versa. In addition, rectal perforations have already occurred and without proper sterilization techniques, rectal thermometry can spread contaminants often contained in the stool.

Oral temperature

Oral temperature is easily influenced by recent ingestion of food or drink and by mouth breathing.

To measure oral temperature, keep your mouth closed and your tongue down for three to four minutes, a difficult task for young children.

Axillary temperature

While it is easy to measure the axillary temperature, it has been shown to provide an inaccurate assessment of the child's internal temperature.

To take this type of temperature, you must wedge the thermometer securely in place on the axillary artery.

Tympanic temperature

Mastering the setting technique is essential for obtaining a precise temperature. The thermometer probe should be brought closer to the warmest part of the external ear canal.

A wrong direction of the probe can cause a false estimate of the temperature.

The temperature of the temporal artery

The temporal arterial temperature can be measured using a device placed on the temple in the region of the temporal artery. This relatively new mode of temperature measurement has been shown to be more accurate than tympanic thermometry and better tolerated than rectal thermometry.

This artery is close enough to the surface of the skin to be accessible and allow an accurate measurement result given that the blood flow is permanent and regular there. This is smart health connected to the heart by the carotid which is directly smart health connected to the aorta. It is the main trunk of the arterial system.

The efficiency, speed and comfort of taking the temperature at this location is ideal compared to other temperature measurements.

Taking temperature in practice

For the sake of accuracy and quality of the temperature measurement, it is essential that each user is sufficiently informed and trained in the technique of taking the temperature with such a device.

It is essential to remember that the simplicity of certain gestures, such as taking the temperature, should not lead to its trivialization.

The temperature is taken in a neutral context. The patient must not have practiced strenuous activity before the measurement, the ambient atmosphere must be tempered.

Beware of physiological variations in temperature which must be taken into account depending on the results:

  • The temperature increases by 0.5C ° between 6h and 15h.
  • Women have a higher temperature of 0.2C ° on average. Their temperature also varies depending on the ovarian cycle. Thus it increases by 0.5C ° in the second part of the cycle and in early pregnancy.
  • In a sitting position, the temperature is 0.3 to 0.4 ° C lower than when standing.

What is fever?

Fever is a rise in body temperature above 38 °. It is a normal reaction of the body to help it fight an infection. By itself, fever is most often mild and requires treatment only when it exceeds 38 ° 5C and it is poorly tolerated.

Fever is a defense reaction of the body

The body temperature is around 37 ° C. We speak of fever if it exceeds 38 ° C when taken in a normally covered person, not exposed to a very hot atmosphere and who has not done any intense physical activity before taking the temperature.

Fever is a symptom, a real signal that indicates that the body is defending itself against a particular event: infection, inflammation, vaccination, teething …

It is common in many common childhood illnesses (nasopharyngitis, acute otitis, chickenpox, roseola, etc.). It is very useful because it helps the body to fight infections. It is rare that it is accompanied by seizures, which despite their impressive character, are not serious. Lowering the temperature does not seem to prevent their occurrence.

Very rarely, fever, associated with other symptoms, is present in a serious or progressive disease, to be managed urgently (for example meningitis).

Normal temperatures by age

Age in years Normal temperature
0-2 36.4 ° C – 38.0 ° C
3-10 36.1 ° C – 37.8 ° C
11-65 35.9 ° C – 37.6 ° C
> 65 35.8 ° C – 37.5 ° C

Normal temperatures depending on the measurement mode

Measuring mode

Normal temperature


36.6 ° C – 38 ° C


35.5 ° C – 37.5 ° C


34.7 ° C – 37.3 ° C


35.8 ° C – 38 ° C


35.8 ° C – 37.8 ° C

The temperature of the human body varies during the day.
It can also be influenced by many external factors: age, gender, skin type and thickness, etc.

Diagnosis of a temperature measurement



<35.5 ° C


35.5 ° c – 36.2 ° C

Temperature to monitoring

36.3 ° C – 37.3 ° C

Normal temperature

37.4 ° C – 37.9 ° C

Temperature to monitoring

> 38 ° C



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