Bedbugs are making a comeback in homes, even very clean, because they resist certain treatments. Know how to recognize these pests to put the right measures in place and get rid of them permanently.
The Bedbugs have a detrimental effect on the health of residents and their quality of life. In addition to biting them, they give them a lot of worry. You have a doubt about the presence of these insects at your house ? Here are some criteria to properly recognize these small animals:
- a bed bug is visible toeye bare. In adulthood, it measures between 4 and 7 millimeters, that is to say, it is about the size of an apple seed;
- bed bugs are from color red to brown, because of the blood they absorb;
- they don't jump, don't fly, and move a bit like ants ;
- active at night, bedbugs are often present in bedrooms, at the level of mattress and box springs. But if they are numerous in the accommodation, they can gain other rooms and other "hiding places": clothes, chairs, carpets, sofas, cracks … or plinths ;
- if your bed is infested, you may get bites;
- small black spots on the sheets can be excrement left by bedbugs;
- bedbugs also leave eggs, white, arranged in clusters.
To prevent bedbugs from entering your housing, you can take some precautionary measures. For example, if you buy second-hand clothing or furniture, inspect it for bugs. Be careful while traveling: avoid putting your clothes on the bed or in the drawers of the hotel; check your suitcase and its contents when you return. If you live in collective housing, seal the cracks in walls.
The consequences of bedbug bites
The bed bug is a biting insectspecies Cimex lectularius which feeds on human blood, as explained by the Quebec government site. While they were frequent in housing at the beginning of the XXe century, bedbugs lost ground after the Second World War, thanks to improved hygiene but also due to the use of insecticides. However, since the 1990s, bedbugs have returned to homes, regardless of their hygiene, in developed countries.
Bedbugs bite you while you sleep. According to people, these bites give rise to more or less important reactions: small red buttons, itching, redness, even allergic reactions. Be careful not to confuse them with bites of fleas or from mosquitoes. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor who can prescribe a treatment to avoid itching. Try not to scratch yourself to avoid getting infected. The presence of bedbugs can also cause anxiety and sleep, hence the importance of dealing with this problem effectively.
How to get rid of bed bugs
To get rid of bedbugs, you can call on a certified professional who will make sure to treat your accommodation according to the standards in force. If you treat your health home yourself with insecticides, you risk exposing yourself to dangerous products. In addition, bedbugs are sometimes resistant to certain products. If you are a tenant of your accommodation, inform your landlord.
First, eliminate these animals mechanically: vacuum and clean your vacuum then, wash your clothes and sheets over 60 ° C and pass them to tumble dryer. Getting rid of infested furniture can be a solution … For the remaining bedbugs, you can call on a company specializing in disinfection that will use chemical control.
In general, before treatment of bedbugs, you will have to prepare your accommodation according to the instructions given by the specialized company. You will be asked to leave the premises with your pets during the treatment. Once the intervention of the company passed, you will have to respect a certain delay to return to your accommodation. This delay is longer for children, pregnant women, people with respiratory problems. Ventilate treated rooms and do not walk barefoot on the floor for the first few days after chemical treatment.
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