how to diagnose yourself online?

Thanks to their voice assistant or artificial intelligence, Microsoft and Apple are offering online tools to the population for an initial diagnosis of a possible coronavirus infection. In France, the Ministry of Health recommends an online Review with more than 20 questions.

Fever, cough, fatigue … symptoms related to coronavirus are many and varied, and most often benign. But, how do you know if there is a suspicion of virus without contacting her doctor, and especially without going to the hospital? The Ministry of Health recommends a self-diagnostic site put online by the Digital Alliance against covid-19 :

There are 23 questions, and depending on your answers, you get a "recommendation" and the site specifies that "it does not constitute medical advice" and if in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

In the United States, Microsoft has made available to CDC (Control and prevention diseases) a chatbot to assess whether or not the coronavirus is infected. The Healthcare Bot Microsoft, which anyone can download, is based in particular on theartificial intelligence to answer the patient's questions, so it's more of a conversation than a standard Review. It is specified that the data can be added to online medical records.

Siri diagnosis only works in the United States

Finally, there is Apple since thevoice assistant Siri has been offering for a few days a diagnostic. It is reserved for the Americans and the question must be pronounced: " How do i know if I have coronavirus ? " or " Do I have coronavirus? To launch the Review. Then it's the same principle and you have to answer with "yes", "no" or "I'm not sure". The answers are provided by the CDC and the United States Public Health Service.

If you ask the question in French, Siri refers to the government site. Same thing for the English. It is therefore not certain that this function will be offered in the coming weeks in other countries than the United States. For owners of smart health connected watches, including L'Apple Watch, theapplication Cardiogram also monitoring your heartbeat at night, and detects possible suspicious signals like cough, a sign of a possible flu infection.

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