How to clean electronic devices properly


Using clean electronic devices will protect you from viruses and other microbes (including coronavirus), but how do you clean them properly without risking damaging them?

Our article will give you all the advice you need to take care of your smart health connected objects and your health. Our tips are all the simpler because they require the use of products that you should usually already have at health home.

Clean electronic devices with screens

TV and computer screens are rather fragile. Thus, avoid pressing too strongly on the LED panel to avoid damaging it. In addition, never use a kleenex, toilet paper or a disposable handkerchief, because paper may cause scratches.

First of all, extinguish the machine well before cleaning it. In most cases, it will be enough to rub gently with the little microfiber fabric delivered with the device. However, if the dirt is too thick, moisten the fabric with a 50% water and 50% vinegar solution. In the case of a device with a touch screen, you can also add a little isopropyl alcohol to disinfect the surface.

However, if they are not resistant to dust, it will be necessary from time to time to dismantle its electronic devices to clean under their shells.

How to clean electronic devices properly

How to get a clean computer

Like our touchscreen devices, keyboards of our computers constantly get dirty with our fingers that are too often greasy. If your keyboard is not too dirty, just blow it with waterpressurized air, then gently rub the keys with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

But as with touchscreen electronic devices, you will need to disassemble the keyboard if you want it to be perfectly clean. In any case, do not forget to turn it off (wireless model) or unplug it (wired model) before proceeding with the operation.

Regarding the mouse, most do not need to be taken apart for cleaning. A little hit with a cotton swab previously soaked in water and vinegar will be more than enough.

Hopefully these tips will help reduce stress from confinement and, most importantly, protect you from the coronavirus.

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