How the smart health connected gym seduces VCs


In recent years, the craze for fitness rooms has grown considerably. It is precisely on this trend that the German start-up eGym has just completed a new round of financing of $ 45 million. By betting on the rise of technologies in this environment, it now intends to deploy its offer internationally.

The gyms are no longer reserved for bodybuilders (and that's good). The indoor fitness is a resounding success in recent years with a city clientele who has difficulty accessing large sports facilities (tennis court, football, basketball …), and who therefore falls back on treadmills and the like. In parallel to that, interest in mobile applications and other smart health connected wristbands able to measure physical performance explodes. eGym was born from the overlap of these two trends.

Maintain motivated customers

If you're like me and you need a little help motivating you to play sports, eGym may be the answer. The German company provides a complete solution for gyms to minimize loss of subscribers discouraged by lack of follow-up and motivation.

Their method: market gym equipment that stores user performance in a cloud and can also be retrieved from a mobile app. Users can thus follow the efforts they have made on their mobile phone, day after day, while benefiting from expert advice from experts.. Sports educators can directly push recommendations and personalized training programs to these via mobile.

On the official website eGym, we also learn that many smart health connected objects can be synchronized with the devices : Data from Withings and Fitbit scales, Fitbit and Jawbone smart health connected wristbands, and Garmin GPS watches can be cross-checked with those recorded on the devices.

In the space of a few years, eGym has become a reference in Germany. It would be no less 1,000 of the 6,000 rooms in Germany that would have been seduced by this solution. Over the last two years, the start-up has timidly expanded its network in 6 other European countries. This new round of C-Series funding will now enable it to tackle a major market: the United States.


 AB Smart Health


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