Hive thermostat – British Gas unveils new version

British Gas has just released the new version of the Hive Thermostat, a new Smart Plug and other smart smart health connected devices for the health home.

A UK energy supplier, British Gas recently acquired the AlertMe health home automation platform. With the Hive thermostat and the whole range of Hive smart health connected products, the company intends to launch the next generation of its products dedicated to the smarthome.

Hive British Gas Hive Active Heating 2 Thermostat

These products will be compatible with the existing hub. They will be managed by the Honeycomb platform of AlertMe. With this offer, the British hope to become one of the leaders in health home automation in his country. The brand is also in the process of establishing partnerships with other brands to complete its offer.

The new Hive thermostat, the Hive Active Heating 2, has been completely modified in terms of its design. It now offers an LED screen displaying a user interface that complements the functionality available via the Hive app. It is already available in England for £ 249; installation included. Existing customers may request, for a limited period, the replacement of their current equipment for £ 99.

One of the big updates is the multi-zone management which allows you to control up to three heating zones. It will be available in the fall.

Hive British Gas Hive Active Heating 2 Thermostat

As I said, other smart devices will also be launched soon. Hive Active Plugs will allow you to control electrical devices remotely via the hub and Hive applications. Hive Active Lights, smart health connected bulbs, can also be controlled via the app. Finally, British Gas will also launch motion detectors and sensors for doors and windows.

If there is a chance that this offer will arrive in France, it is nevertheless interesting to see how a gas supplier tries to impose itself with a health home automation offer. This may give ideas to our companies; even if some have already put their finger in the wheel of the smart health connected house.



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