Hera.training – The smart bra for sports

Hera.training is an intelligent bra that offers smart health connected and real-time sports coaching. Equipped with a GPS, it is able to follow you and accompany you during all your training sessions.

Hera.training is therefore an intelligent garment dedicated to women. Clad in sensors, it was imagined by the company Millesia. FYI, this company normally manufactures luxury bras.

Hera.training smart bra

Hera offers real support to the wearer as they guide them step by step during their sports activities. The small sensors on the front of the smart bra provide information on speed, distance, heart rate, intensity, calories burned, and more. All this data is then sent and available for consultation via a dedicated smartphone application. Unlike smart health connected bras like MyZone, Hera sensors are biometric sensors directly embedded in the fabric of the bra.

What really sets Hera apart from its competitors is real-time coaching. If we have very little detail about this at the moment, it seems that performance measurement and encouragement at mid-workout are at the heart of the project. To go further, you can even get 10-week training calendars and many details on the training sessions to perform.

As I said, Hera is equipped with GPS. This GPS is therefore ideal for all joggin fans … but not only … If you are interested in this product, I advise you to go for a walk on the project page on Kickstarter. You can pre-order the product from 149 euros. The first deliveries are planned for the month of November 2016.

Finally, I suggest you watch this short demonstration ehealth to see the product in action and discover the smartphone application in more detail:


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